Friday, October 28, 2022
Gratitude #68
Good morning. Yes, I did not write this up ahead of time because I wanted to write it from where I am: the incredibly beautiful Catskills of New York. This was the view out our bedroom window this morning.That is through the window (as you can tell) with my iPhone, no filter. Clearly, it down't do it justice, and clearly, that view takes your breath away. Mountains are on the other side of the cute little cottage we are staying in. We have mainly come to visit our dear friend John, who has appeared from time to time on the blog with his beloved dog, Brandy, now over the rainbow bridge. I am excited to explore, and watch for more photos here and on Instagram. Can you imagine how pretty it is in spring with those apple trees in bloom? We are staying in Janette and Eddie's (friends of John's and now of ours) cottage on their beautiful property.
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Good Grief!
Good grief: how can it be 2.5 weeks since my last post? I've been sewing and reading as per usual, maybe a bit more reading than sewing to be honest. Let me fill you in on what's been happening around here. If you follow me on Instagram you'll have a bit of an idea. I've joined in with Leanne at Devoted Quilter on Instagram for her WIPS challenge once again this year. This year it's just two months, 61 days, so during this second quarter, I set my sights a bit lower, looking to complete two goals. One I met Sunday morning.
This is my knitted selvages rug, the second one I've made over the years. It's bigger than the first one.
Thursday, October 6, 2022
Thursday Thoughts and WIP
I thought I'd pop into your inbox this week with a little update. It seems I don't feel the urge to write nearly as often these days, and I don't want to only write when I have a finish, so here's what is going on in my world since I got back from Alberta.
Fall is gently making itself present here. As I look out my sewing room windows I see the Norway maple about 50% yellow, and the red oak maybe 10% gold and red. I love the enflamed look it gets, as it turns in small 'chunks', not a gentle all-over that creeps, nor an outside-in turning as do the softwood (I think?) maples. I see deep forest green with 'hits' of flames, just breathtaking every single time I see it, which is all day long. The English oak on the far right, and the Linden just to the left of it haven't started to change. If I look way up, à la The Friendly Giant, which clearly dates me to a Canadian child of the 60s, I see the black walnuts have just started to fade to a paler green.