
Friday, March 20, 2015


Happy First Day of Spring! Happy International Day of Happiness!

So sharing is a rather à propos topic for this day, and for this week for those of you who read Sew Fresh Quilts on Wednesday.  Most quilters share.  They share fabric, sources for fabric, patterns, quilting tools, tips, advice, designs, photos of our projects, the list goes on.  I have benefited from this sharing so many many times. I hope I have reciprocated as much in return.

I gave you a sneak peek at a cow muzzle a few days ago.  I have two entire cows done now! These are January (blue) and February (pink) blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge at SoScrappy. Yellow is March, so she will have to wait until we are back home in Kingsville to be made.

They are paper-pieced from Piecemeal Quilts, a pattern she kindly shared on her blog.  I just love these whimsical, personality-filled cows! They will be going to an aunt when they all become a quilt. They are 12" unfinished, so I will be sewing a 1/2" border on two sides to make them a standard 12" block.

For my followers who are not quilters, here is a glimpse of the ten sections of the paper-pieced pattern.

My good friend Judy who writes a most wonderful and inspirational blog, Quilt Paradigm, told me of two sources for quilting stencils.  I ended up buying the same stencil she has also purchased for her going-to-be-out-of-this-universe linen quilt.  I didn't intend to buy the same stencil, but I guess I did.  My mum used to say when someone copies you, see it as a compliment, because clearly they admire whatever it is they have copied!  And I admire Judy's quilting prowess, her ideas, her vision.

Here is the stencil quilted out yesterday:

This is my Brr! Park quilt, and it is one of my goals for the Finish Along.  Let's see, I have 11 days left to finish it...

Judy suggested I echo it to help the design pop, so I did. And then I thought maybe I should flatten down some of the "gap" areas to further help it pop, so I did some matchstick quilting.

And I'm really happy with how it has turned out!  Here's the back:

The back of this quilt is really really cool, probably the most cool back I've ever made.  I plan to do some swoopy quilting in the Tree of Life HSTs, and some Dot to Dot in the trunks.  And then feathers in the setting triangles.  I am so happy that the quilt basting spray has held for a year! I did stitch in the ditch right away, so that also helped.  This is a quilting in thirds approach to quilting on a domestic.  Click the Tips and Tutorials tab up top for the link to that technique!  My gift to you.

Speaking of gifts, you should visit Craftsy! (see the button on my sidebar) I did, and bought a Cindy Needham class, so now I have both of hers.  Cannot. Wait.  (but I have to; quilts to make; people to give them to; Finish Alongs deadlines to meet) Anyhow, Craftsy has, like, everything on sale, and half price classes are too good to pass up.

Rocco flopped down in my sewing room on ... yep, Bella's cushion the other day!  He's just too funny.

And he brings me SO MUCH happiness.  Every. Day.  Period.


  1. OMG, those cows are awesome!! This is going to be such an awesome quilt for a seasoned farm girl ;)

    Thank you for the shout out, my friend! I don't see the fact that you bought the same stencil as copying. I think it is a testament to what a fabulous design it is! Seeing yours all quilted out just reenforces that - it is beautiful! I can't wait to see Brr Park all quilted up and finished - your quilting plan sounds awesome, it is going to be a stunner!!

  2. Great blocks Sandra. They make me giggle every time I see them.

    I just bought a bunch of fabric on Craftsy's sale this weekend. Super great prices!

  3. Once again I will say how much I absolutely adore those realistic, but whimsical cows! But oh my goodness what I saw pattern, it brought some not so great memories of some long ago math class (geometry?) in which I didn't pay enough attention lol lol lol lol. But blast from the past, the pattern then reminded me of the watercolor painting books we had when we were children, remember? They were black and white but when you applied water with a paintbrush, each individual area turned into a different colour and it became a masterpiece (incidentally the only method by which I can create a masterpiece lol)!

    And the back of that quilt is nothing short of incredibly stunning! Even though I've been your sister for an infinite number of years, or so it seems, lol, I didn't realize that the quilts were all about texture until I have faithfully been reading your blog. Duh! That back is sumptuous in texture!

    And oh Rocco, I can't get enough of his cuteness!

  4. Sandra, your quilting is glorious! I have been following Judy as she does hers too. You both WOW the heck out of me! I love the texture the matchstick quilting added to the design - you did an awesome job!
    Those cows are just too cute - they look like they have the giggles!
    I think that sharing is at the heart of quilting, and i know you do too!

  5. Cute cows! And your stencil quilting is fabulous. I really like how the echoing and matchstick quilting add so much texture. I'm looking forward to seeing more of this quilt.

  6. OH!!! This is it! This is the very first post of yours that I stumbled across... the cows... the one that got me started reading this whole thing!

  7. Wonderful cows....I downloaded Sandi's pattern...thanks for sharing the resource. I noticed she hasn't blogged since February she still quilting/designing? She has a wonderful free pattern page as well as patterns to purchase. I also adore the wouldn't care to share that resouce as well, would you? That way I could copy....errrr.....I mean flatter you and your inspiration. :)


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