
Saturday, January 16, 2016

2016 - Q1 FAL List

I am IN!  By the skin of my teeth, but I am in.  When I went to link up yesterday's little wallhanging finish with Scraptastic Tuesday, I saw that the year-long, four quarters finish-along is not dead, but alive and well, and as I am a goal-oriented, and checkmark-lovin' kind of gal, I was SO happy.

Here's my list for the first quarter:
1.   This is where it sits, here in Florida, off Avril, the Avanté, and needing to be finished on my Bernina. This is all you will see right now as Dayna wants to be surprised, and she reads the blog.  Hoping I can marry the quilting from two totally different machines.
Dayna's Quilt

2.  I've wanted to do a Valentine-themed project since last year.  I had a brainwave on my morning walk today with Rocco about some minis.  All I brought with me for scraps were my Ziploc bags of smallish ones (oh for my nine 3-drawer sets of Sterilite drawers scraps!!!) but I think I can make these work.  I'm thinking X and O patterns.  Coasters for starters.  Maybe a wallhanging or table topper as well.
Valentine project(s)
3. I hope to get this into a flimsy and then quilted and bound in order to qualify as a finish. 
Cheryl's Mystery  (Meadow Mist Designs)

4. This got a healthy start on the quilting down here on my Bernina last winter, and then sat in its bag all summer.  I seriously need to finish this.
Brrrr! Park quilt

5. Bought this gorgeous Windham fabrics "Tidal Lace" to make pillowcases for here.  I am stumped by the ombré, as I did not realize it went from the gorgeous aquas to the pinks/corals, and I love the lacy edges, so want to incorporate them... I don't have enough to make two pillowcases as just a sack for each pillow.  I spent some time last night sketching, and then looking through APQ pillowcase patterns. I also want to use the leftovers (how can there be leftovers, you ask, if you don't even have enough to make sack-style pillowcases?) to make a pretty cushion cover for the ugly brown cushion you see...HEY!  Rocco photobombed this (again)...ha, didn't even see that until I inserted the photo and was writing about the cushion. 
What in the world?
Bella decided it works as is and sees no reason to work myself into a tizzy trying to come up with a solution.

6.  I need to do some dot to dot on these as I did on the other four, and put them to use!
Placemats I designed for Angela Walters' Dot to Dot class I took with her in person last April

7.  I made this last spring when I was making the pattern for Dayna's grad quilt.  I want to turn it into a cushion cover to go with her quilt.
Shadowed Star test block
8.   This is fabric I've bought (mainly on the left and the three on the top right) and fabric I pulled from my scraps and stash to make Sea Glass, the first pattern I bought off Craftsy.  It involves appliqué...and, as Lara knows, I am not a huge fan.  So it has sat for over a year, in a stack.  Looking so forward to April when her book comes out and she promises I will say "aaack-pliqué" no more!
Sea Glass
Eight projects, much like Q4 of 2015.  Of course, there are always squirrels who distract me.  And then there are another dozen (uh huh) flimsies or possible finished quilts I have brought down that I'm hoping to get done as well...not to mention other projects that are just in the "maybe" stage, like a mini swap with Anja or Judy, or a Swoon quilt with Tish...


  1. That should keep you busy for a little while. Know if you can just keep away from the squirrels.

  2. This is a great list. Can't wait to see the finished products. Good luck. Damn...a squirrel....I forgot I wanted to try a Swoon quilt as well.....I need to stop adding to this list......

  3. Boy are you ambitious! I love that Tidal Lace. They had it in my LQS here but I couldn't think what I'd do with it. Pillowcases would be wonderful.

  4. You can do it! I'm looking forward to your finishes ;)

  5. You have a great plan. Of course, if you're anything like me, the squirrels are bigger and more ambitious. Thanks for visiting my blog and let's do chat. We have more in common than just quilting: I'm a teacher and almost retired as well. Just hanging in till May. My email is Now I'm off to try to fix the no-reply blogger mess, again!

  6. Fun projects. I look forward to seeing what you create.

  7. That's a healthy list and oh how good you'll feel when they are done! But don't forget to have playtime in the sun :-)

  8. Great projects and ideas, I love your mystery blocks!

  9. All so beautiful but oh my, Dayna's sneak peek, WOW!

  10. Does this mean that I might be a squirrel? I'm ok with that, they are such cute furry little creatures :P What is the #4 quilt? I'm not sure I've read about it before. I love the quilting you have done so far on it.

  11. Purple is the color of royalty. Now I know why. It is because you did such a beautiful job on the purple stars block. I am in awe!!!

  12. That is so lovely! :)
    Greetings from Finland!
    Hugs, Ulla


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