
Saturday, January 28, 2017

DrEAMi! Linky #1

 Welcome to the very first DrEAMi! linky party and my very first time hosting a linky. 

For a detailed explanation of a DrEAMi! click here.  Just like darling Brandy in the video above, who becomes blind to her surroundings, extraneous noises and objects when tracking the elusive squirrel, we, as quilters have experienced that blinders on, nothing else matters, get-your-own-meals, I-gotta-SEW-this-and-sew-it-NOW feeling.  That brilliant bauble of a quilt project, glittery gem of an idea, and, (cue Metallica) "Nothing Else Matters" until it's done.

My frst DrEAMi! (oh yeah, I've had more than one this month, heaven help me, no wonder my family's quilts are always late) was the Modern Trees Christmas quilt you see in that intro post using the Henry Glass Fabrics I won.

My second DrEAMi! happened when I created my first house block for the RSC2017 and promised a tutorial.  Well, I had no photos of that purple house, so what's a girl to do but make another block for the tutorial, (you can find the PDF pattern here), using her favourite colour, buh-LOO!!  These are leftovers from the Meadow Mystery quilt.
Updated to add: I had no idea (note this was posted Jan. 28) that these would be February colours for Angela's RSC2017!  So I was actually ahead of the curve for the first time since I joined her challenge in 2015 LOL!!

I knew right away I wanted to turn this one into a new cushion cover for my new sewing room.
I set it aside.  But it called to me.  It wouldn't take long to quilt up...

I couldn't focus on anything else until it was done....

Sweet Naala... This is not on my Q1FAL list, totally not planned for this quarter, just scurried up in front of my nose and flicked its bushy tail at me.  But I couldn't be happier that I followed my nose and let myself get diverted!

I started with the spirals in the sky separated by wiggly lines, an Angela Walters design I saw online and saved a photo of (and now cannot find where I saved it ugh!), moved onto the gingerbread-type roof scallops, and it just got a-hold of me...
The back before it becomes a cushion cover and this gets hidden! I did write my name and details on the lines across the bottom
...until it was done:

I bound it with the turquoise I used in the star centre. Why I brought that down here and none of the navy outside of half a dozen under 5" scraps I do not know, but turquoise is part of this Northcott line and I snagged a bit of it thinking I might work it into the Meadow Mystery, maybe as binding.
Artisan Spirit Painter's Passion is the name of this line - isn't it sumptuous?

I did an envelope back, not quite like Amanda Jean's at Crazy Mom Quilts, but very similar. I hand-stitched the binding down, my favourite way to finish off a binding.
Here it is off the cushion so you can see it in its entirety.  The top and bottom kind of get hidden by the fat belly of the cushion!
Yep I had fun: the grass (can you spot my initials?!) dot to dot, bricks, the heart, the clapboard, windows...makes me smile!
A trio of cushions in my house right now, two from last year and now this one:

Seems to be a colour trend, no?! If you take a look at my Craftsy pattern store page, you may notice a similar trend!  Incidentally I didn't buy one of the pillow forms for these covers; I simply recovered existing ones I no longer liked or wanted to change up!

Quilt Stats:
Pattern:  Original Design: House Block Tutorial
Size: 19.5" square
Fabric:  scraps and leftovers except for the binding
Batting: Pellon Nature's Touch 100% cotton
Quilted: on my Bernina
Threads:  pieced with Gütermann, quilted with Gütermann, Essential cotton variegated "Ocean Jewels", Sulky rayon 40 wt 942 2209 and 942 1177

What has got you diverted this past month?  Have you 'become the squirrel'?!  I'd love it if you'd share it with us! Remember that a DrEAMi! does not have to be a finished project, but it must be an unplanned something that has had you dropping everything just to sew, sew, sew...
The DrEAMi! will remain open for one week.
Linking up with:
Cooking Up Quilts


  1. Adorable cushion and boy, does it ever fit in with the other two.

  2. Squirrels run by my sewing room all the time! Love this diversion project! The quilting looks like fun!

  3. Your quilting is stunning! Your squirrel idea is genius. If this were "The Golden Compass", my daemon would be squirrel. Love it, and hope to link with you soon!

  4. I've been waiting for this party ever since I've heard about it. How much fun to celebrate life's greatest distractions! And who better to show us that than dogs!! I almost face planted when walking Newton in his younger 75lb full of pibble muscle days because he saw a short fat little legs almost couldn't keep up. Thankfully, it went up a tree and his sense of smell is horrible, so he stopped going "where did it go??" I LOVE the quilting on that house block, no wonder it was gnawing at had to be. Hold on a sec...wait what's that?? SQUIRREL!!! I gotta go!!! :P

  5. The pillow is stunning and I love seeing your collection of cushions together. There is a very clear trend happening, indeed!

  6. Oh, I certainly don't need any encouragement to get distracted by a squirrel project. Your new linky came along at just the right time! Love your trio of cushions together.

  7. Lovely cushions, and great colours together. Super quilting, and a lovely way to do the back.

  8. I too like the combo of pillows. The quilting is fantastic on the cottage. Thanks for the tut and PDF. gonna to give it a try.

  9. Such a beautiful house pillow! I love the design, colors, and fun quilting!

  10. Sandra, your pillow collection is so much fun! I love your house block, too, and I'm going to have to try one myself. (Does that sound like a squirrel moment? It's the story of my quilting life!). Thanks for the new linky to join in with!

  11. This has been great fun , I'm looking forward to checking out all the other linkies

  12. I do like your latest cushion, the quilting is lovely and such great colours too, it goes great with your other cushions which are equally as lovely. I like your way of doing an envelope back, it gives it another dimension, clever.

  13. This is a great cushion Sandra, and it coordinates beautifully with the other two. I've been pretty focussed on the Allison Glass Quilt Along and of course that other squirrel of quilting design which I am straining to keep up with...but a few things have caught my eye here and there. But my burning question is where did you get that crazy squirrel outfit for your dog, and how did you get him into it?!

  14. Love the house block cushion. Those teals are so pretty. I'm resisting the influence of the squirrel, but I'm sure that won't last long once the graduation quilts are done.

  15. As I succomb to this sort of uncontrollable urge often it is fun to see you start up this linky! I'm sure I"ll be back to share next time round!! PS Adore your cushion and the beautiful quilting on it!

  16. That Florida sun sure does show off your gorgeous quilting! I love your pillow display, but I'm giggling inside wondering how many layers of pillows could be fit under new cases. Kind of like layers of a onion. And a good way to hide an obsession with pillow cases!

  17. I love seeing the quilting on your squirrel project and seeing the three pillows in similar colors together. Someday I want colored pillows I can rotate throughout the year. That idea may take over and become a Dreami project sooner or later. ;)

  18. Pretty much every one of my projects are squirrel but I linked my bunny because it was really a DrEAMi!!! I was working on a raccoon quilt (still not done)when I had this urge to do this little cutey.Maybe now I can go back to........Squirrel!!! Excuse me

  19. Good amount of people linking up...guess getting distracted from squirrels is a common thing LOL

  20. Thanks for hosting the linky party - great idea! I've added the badge to my sidebar, and will be joining in when those squirrels get loose!

  21. your house cushion is fabulous! (and what a great linky party ~ how fun!) (I found you at Beth's MCM party :-)

    Happy sewing and chasing squirrels ~ Tracy

  22. Those cushions are adorable and in my favorite colors too! I've got three squirrels in my sewing room right now, and I had to chase a fourth one out because there simply isn't room for another!! :) Thanks for linking your linky to my linky!

  23. The quilting on your house block is absolutely amazing! I didn't have any dreami quilt projects last month, but there was a pair of socks that eclipsed all else for a while.

  24. I am rarely a DrEAMI quilter. I tend to WANT to be, but am normally dissuaded by my MUST DO's. Your new pillow turned out beautifully. Thanks for the tutorial!!

  25. what a grand idea for a party! the quilts are pretty but the two dog photos.... priceless

  26. Lovely cushions. Your dog is one devious dude. Did he get that squirrel?

  27. Lovely! I love the fabrics and the quilting is great. Such detail - from those windows to the bricks in the chimney! Excellent!
