
Sunday, August 27, 2017

Sunday Stretch for Sewists #22

With only 25 or so Yin poses, Sunday Stretch is coming to an end. Something that I always start every Yin class with is meditation and breath work. It is so important to just breathe, slowly, steadily, in and back out, through the nose, as we do in yoga, paying attention to the way our ribs move: expanding and contracting in all four directions (yes!) fronts, backs, both sides lifting and opening to make room for the beautiful pink lungs, virtual sponges that fill up the majority of your chest cavity, to expand and contract in those same four directions...

It's truly amazing how much calmer one can feel just by taking a few or several minutes and breathing calmly and steadily and with attention. Your breath is such a powerful tool that can help you deal with stressful situations; it definitely has helped me. Like anything, we get better at meditation with practice.

Today I give you a YouTube video meditation that I think you might like, from Ashtangi Kino McGregor. Less than 10 minutes seated comfortably, led by her, and I'm sure you will feel incredibly at peace.



  1. Thank you so much for this meditation. I'm definitely saving it for repeated use. :)

  2. I've never tried meditation, might be time to give it a try. I could use a little calm most days.

  3. Took a quick look at the meditation video and will be giving it a try.

  4. Thank you so very much for he link to this yoga heart meditation--it is so calming and wonderful...definitely saving this site loved it...hugs, Julierose

  5. Think this is definitely something I can see myself doing !

  6. Thanks for the link. Enjoy spending time doing this and yesterday, while sewing, I was much more conscious of getting up and moving between sewing episodes. My shoulder didn't feel as cranky! Happy Monday (when I am seeing this)!

  7. I will be sad to see this come to an end (eventually.) Do you have plans for another special post theme?

  8. This is a great link Sandra. Thank you for sharing it with us.

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  10. Thank you for this link! I have slowed down my sewing due to persistent neck and shoulder pain. I think my ergonomics are ok, probably tension built up. Yoga has been helping but need to continue to breath correctly and clear my mind!

  11. My tuesday Yoga class is meditation based and so relaxing. Once a month we do a Yoga Nidra session. I live for the last Tuesday of the month

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hi Sandra; I enjoyed the video and hope to take a few things from it---I certainly can use anything to bring a sense of calmness to me today. This is my first day home. I fell in my studio 2 weeks ago and broke my leg and dislocated my foot; had surgery last week on the leg so no lotus poses for me for a little while. :)

  14. So many different meditations, this one's nice too
