
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Splash of Colour Quilt Along

Here are half of my blocks for the Splash of Colour QAL with Myra at Busy Hands Quilts:

A few years ago, I started collecting fat quarters, 1/4 or 1/3 yard cuts of black and white fabrics, thinking it would be cool to make a quilt one day entirely in black and white. The stack has mainly just sat.  I did use several of them in Callum's quilt, Shift. There are bats from Brady's quilt, Jack and Friends. Then there are several meaningful ones, like the Paris one, the starfish, the music, the flowers, the French text, the sewing-themed ones.

I'm so happy that Myra is running this quilt along, because it gave me the incentive to use these, and to do them in a pattern in a magazine I've had the page open to for the past oh year? Blue and green is my favourite colour combination, no matter the shade or hue. I like this splash of colour idea better than just black and white, too! I also appreciate the relaxed schedule, as I'm able to fit it in as a leader/ender project or when I just feel like grabbing something to sew for a half hour.  It's not too late to join us! Click the link in the first sentence to get the 'deets', as they say.

It's hard to know what to say, what to do, in these dark days, where depressing events occur on a daily basis, and I find myself in such despair for our planet, environmentally-wise, (the deaths this year of 15 more right whales, only 500 left globally; the pipeline going ahead and tar sands continuing) and for our people, wars and hate-wise, (hundreds of children dead or starving in Yemen due to the relentless bombing, where the US and UK are supplying bombs, Canada supplying arms --we are one of the top 10 exporters of arms--, the ethnic cleansing occurring in Myanmar, where the military is using rape as a weapon and method of intimidation, the deportation of Haitians now from the US). Joining across continents in these type of Quilt Alongs, shows me that we are one. It is possible to join hands and do things together, beautiful things. Who cares what colour Myra's skin is splashed with? What god or goddess Cindy, who is also participating, worships? What foods Rose, another participant, eats on special occasions?  Whether I sleep at night with a male or a female partner? Sigh.

If I figure out some way to help in Yemen I will let you know. Donating to the Red Cross, an organization for which I have deep respect, is one way to get much-needed money in the right hands. There is a special section for donations to the Rohingya crisis, which will be matched by the Canadian Government until November 28. I also know and believe that doing good works quietly within one's own community surely must have ripple effects.
Linking up


  1. This is looking really lovely, Sandra. And I hear you on a bit of a feeling of overwhelm. I am so glad to be part of a community of people with big hearts and I know that just by talking about these topics, being our authentic selves, and doing whatever small deeds we can each day to be caring and loving will make a difference. I'm grateful for you. <3

  2. I believe that good deeds go in a circle, and even if you cannot really thank someone who has been so generous to you, in money, acts, fabric or more, you can pass it on to another.And in time the end of the circle returns home.After my Mum and later my Dad died, I wasn't able to do more than say so many thanks to those who lived near them. ( they lived a long way from me at that time) I struggled with this for ages ( insert years), then realised I could pass on that generosity in the same way it had been given. Yes, world sadness, disasters, wars, firearms, and more, I try so hard to ignore what I cannot help, and concentrate on family and friends.And in blogland, we care, share, send messages of love and support.So I am sending a pile of love your way.XXX

    1. I agree whole heartedly Nancy. nice to find somebody on the same wave length

  3. I find it amusing and interesting that you and I have both been quietly collecting black and white fat quarters for a while. I've wanted to join Myra on the Splash of Color QAL but just can't take on one more thing right now. Sometimes health issues can overwhelm a person too.

  4. Your black and white with the greens/blues is coming along beautifully. It's hard to turn on the news some days. At some point the pendulum has to swing back towards love for all of mankind doesn't it?

  5. like nancy above, I believe good deeds come in circles, back to our circles again. A friend asked how that applies to the bad guys. I can't answer that, but I just know, that I believe if I do good things, then good things will come back to be passed on again.

  6. I love your splash of colour quilt, blue and green are a favourite combination for me as well. I think there is a lot more good news in the world than bad it's just not shown on the bulletins. I'm sure all the comments on this post will lift your spirits!

  7. I love your splash of colour. I want to make one at some point, just need to bump it further up my very growing list!

    We have a limit on how much news we watch/read in our house. We try to stay informed, but limit the hours of exposure and rehashing etc because it is overwhelming and with the onslaught of bad news we lose track of the good that is also out there. We try to help where we can and hope that one drop of positive at a time,by many people over time, will eventually collect into an ocean. **Hugs**

  8. Insightful thought on our world's situation. Like canuckquilter, we also limit our access to the news. Be aware, proactive and caring, but not overwhelmed. I also have collected quite the cache of scraps and fat quarters, perhaps by accident (?) lol. They are really useful for the Splash of Color QAL.

  9. This QAL is very tempting but I am not allowing myself to start anything that's not on the list - haha. Yours looks great! I understand your pain and feelings of being overwhelmed with 'it' all. And I, too, appreciate all the goodness and love that is in our world of on-line sharing and quiltmaking. Small steps big hearts.

  10. I too collected black and white FQ's and am happy to have liberated some of them in my version of splash of colour. After listening to all the depressing news I find comfort in my sewing room. Whether it's working on a charity quilt or just to give to someone special it helps to calm me.

  11. Each small step we take to make the world a better place makes a difference. I believe this in my heart of hearts. The blessing and curse of the human mind is that we are capable of imagining the very best and very worst, but are only physically capable of those small steps. We think in the infinite, but we do in the finite.

    And so the arc of the universe bends toward justice, but it is a struggle to see it. Instead, we have to trust the process and keep taking our own steps in the right direction. It's good to share our journey, to encourage each other. Thank you for all you do: sharing your creativity, your respect for strong healthy bodies, your love of your family and indeed of the world.

    PS: I *love* that pattern! Little bold boxes of beautiful clear color, rising up to shine through the tumultuous sea of black and white. What a metaphor :)

  12. Beautifully written post to go with your quilt. You do well with both words and quilts. Have a good Thanksgiving and I am thankful we finally connected this year. hugs

  13. Black and white anything always looks better with a pop of colour, love the blues.

  14. I agree with much of what you said Sandra, I don’t know what the solutions are but I do hope they are found soon. I really like your colour combination, it’s turning into a wonderful quilt. Happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful I found this wonderful quilting community.

  15. This is going to be a very beautiful quilt. I love the blue and green inserts and the pattern made by the lights and darks as well. Fabulous.

  16. I've been enjoying seeing "Splash of Color" quilts everywhere in the blogging world lately. Your's is really pretty!

  17. It definitely has been very overwhelming for me too, to the point where I needed to step away from reading daily news. I still stay informed but I don’t go deep like I have done in the past. I am very thankful for our creative community for reminding me that there are things to smile and be happy about. We are one! Your quilt is looking beautiful already, Sandra! Your quilting is so exquisite that I am already wondering about how you will quilt this one.

    -Soma xx

  18. It's coming along nicely. Can't wait to see the finish. I echo your sentiments about the state of the world. Sometimes I don't watch the news because it is too depressing.


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