
Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Q1 FAL My List

For the first quarter of 2018, here are the projects I hope to finish:

1. Migrating Geese

2. Dutch Garden quilt for my aunt. It's the blue and yellow one.
I've moved it along a bit since my 2017 Q4 List...
I bought the Dutch Garden kit off Craftsy that you can find here, (affiliate link) but I'm doing a pattern out of one of Pam & Nicky Lintott's Charm Squares and Jelly Roll books because it results in a larger quilt. :-) Remember you do not have to use the kit contents to make the kit!

3. Splash of Colour quilt

It's on the frame there, so has been moved along nicely since 2017 Q4!

4. Wayward Transparency
I have extra motivation for these last two because of the upcoming linky parties with their prizes..

5. A secret quilt for a new book release blog hop. I am not even sure on the fabrics yet, but quite possibly several of these because they're my favourite colour combination:

6. Canada quilt to donate, an overdue project...

7. Another hush-hush project for another blog hop using these fabrics:

Five of these seven projects are on my UFO Busting list, so I am hoping to check them off; I love checking things off lists; I do it on my daily lists.😉

Quick notes: (the online shops are affiliate links)
Connecting Threads has their batting sale going on. I've stocked up before when they have it on 30% off their already decent prices.

Sewing Machine Plus has 10% off their entire site, AND they have fabric and thread.... I am needing more Superior So Fine! in white and off-white...

Tomorrow is Throwback Thursday! See that link or the tab up top for more details. Hope to see you there!

Linking up
Q1 FAL at Dizzy Quilts


  1. Great list. Good luck. Prizes are good motivators. ☺

  2. Love the fabrics in every one, Wayward Transparency, love the fabrics and the setting. guess what, I have chosen a word for 2018 " Organise", and I started today, with the boxes of batik scraps and strips of cotton. However, no-one but me would know how much I tidied up!!! You are off to a flying start.

  3. Pretty fabrics! You have a lovely array of Canadian fabrics. Good luck getting these finished.

  4. A very fun list for the first quarter of 2018. Several should be finishes right off the bat. I'm behind on blog reading some I'm skipping commenting on every blog post, but I did want to congratulate on being selected as an Island Batik Ambassador. Looking forward to checking out all your fun batik projects.

  5. I love the migrating geese, they are gorgeous! I also am lusting after a few in your hush hush project (maybe your QAL???). I am taking Paula Nadelstern and need some symmetrical fabrics like those. It will be fun to watch all these come together.

  6. Great list with lots of beautiful projects! You can totally finish up a few of these. Thanks so much for linking up on behalf of the 2018 global Finish-A-Long hosts and thanks for playing along again this year.


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