
Saturday, January 26, 2019

DrEAMi! #24

Welcome to the first DrEAMi! linkup for 2019! This is the third year I've hosted this party for those of us with Quilter ADD.  If you're not sure what I'm talking about, have you ever come across a quilt project (pattern, actual quilt, idea, etc) that just BUGS you so much that it takes over your life? You have to literally stop everything you're currently sewing, forego any house work, ignore social media, your kids, your husband... and sew your hiney off until that project is done and you've got it out of your system!

Some of us squirrel-chasers are hard core, right Wendy? Rose? 😜 Some of us used to be, like me, but often deadlines force me to put on the blinders and focus. That is, sadly, what I had to do in January, thanks to the Island Batik blog hop that is going on until February 2, in which my post was first!! A trip to Mexico also forced me to focus. And I didn't want to!!! So many squirrels, so little time!
Wendy (Pieceful Thoughts) sent me this! You can see the IG 'home' from which it came, as well as the artist. Perfect description of how a quilty project can fly right atcha!

In December we had some glorious fat and wiggly squirrels.

Diann's (Little Penguin Quilts) Tomte pillow - oh how I need to join in this this year!  Totally love this!
Kathleen's (Kathleen McMusing) new logo that she turned into fabric! This is something else I've been working on (and off, ha) is creating a logo for mmm! quilts.

Yvonne's (Quilting JetGirl) Crop Circles runner, which would work perfectly in my home, just saying.

Ann's (Laughing Gas Quilts) Nanette bag, just so adorable!
Each of these quintessential DrEAMi! projects would not rest until they were a complete, useable item.
Well? Got the picture? as they say... Show us what you've dropped everything to make this past month!

Inlinkz Link Party


  1. Good Morning Sandra! It's -16 this morning, so the perfect day for DrEAMi projects, no?!! Wendy and I were just talking about you and squirrels yesterday - there may be a title coming your way. Since I just finished another squirrel, today I'm focused on my weekly list to move it forward. Stay warm! Happy Happy Saturday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Sandra, thank you for featuring my Tomte pillow from December! Right now, I am in the midst of a sewing room overhaul so my squirrel tendencies have had to take a backseat to cleaning and clearing out. But I will enjoy seeing what others have been up to!

  3. I'm finishing a squirrel project today, hopefully, and maybe one more, so I will link up on Monday. I still love that squirrel photo - haha! I have had to do some sewing with blinders on, and I can. I do love the squirrels though!

  4. It's fun to see what sparks our desire to create, Sandra. Thanks for hosting!

  5. Thanks for featuring my silly little quilt - but I do love it - and need to visit it this week. We haven't been in Maine for awhile, so it will be nice to see it again. Nice to be reminded of it.

  6. January was not a squirrelly month for me, but I enjoyed seeing everyone else's irresistible projects :)

  7. Ahh squirrels.. I was a big squirrel chaser once, and I still imagine I see them often enough. But I always seem so far behind on planned projects at the moment that they don't come to fruition until they match some other goal. Trying to get ahead a little this year, perhaps the squirrels will reappear.


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