
Saturday, May 11, 2019

RSC Update

Here is my progress on my main project for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge hosted by Angela at soscrappy. I have made my orange blocks for this month. I also have the red ones made now too since I didn't get started on time due to just not sitting down and putting this block, from a McCalls Quick Quilts issue, into EQ so I could plan the rainbow accordingly. (Sidetone: YA-freaking-HOO! I finally figured out how to downsize the Header photo. You click 'shrink to fit' before you upload a photo, as once you upload it that option disappears!)

I am making two of the blocks in each colour of the month. Since they are 12" finished, it is taking up a fair amount of my white and off-white scraps, a good thing, though not so much of my coloured ones. However, good news, ha, I seem to have now garnered four RSC projects for 2019.

You will recall that one of the unplanned RSC projects is my scrap boxes. Angela's tutorial is here. So far I have made just one complete box, the green one, back at the beginning of March.

However, I have the parts for the red one done,

and as of this week, the parts for the orange one are done.
Improv piecing does not go quickly for me. I never have the right length of scrap to add to the twosies or threesies pieces. Ah well, the orange is done now too, awaiting some quilting, and then assembly. I am making these as a leader/ender project.

As with the turquoise and the red arrows blocks, I get a lot of HSTs left over and I've been sewing them back together to make another small RSC quilt. This would be the third RSC2019 project.
Because I'm using scraps, I have to make the geese with the stitch 'n flip method, so it results in leftover triangles. They will be 2.25" finished, so I should have a sweet rainbow wall quilt by year's end. 😍

And, introducing RSC2019 project #4! As of this week, I've also joined the Tiny Tuesday club. I made the pinwheel one first and then I made the orange block. The pinwheel was the one that grabbed me and pulled me in...
So then I went back in time and made two more...

Friday night I finished off all the April aqua blocks.
Reverse appliqué heart

Courthouse Steps 
There are 17 different fabrics in that wee block; makes me feel vindicated as to why I save 1" wide pieces! 😝 I love the tiny white piece of Amanda Murphy fabric that is 1" square, the first square on the left of the centre teal one.  Teensie-weensie flying geese!! These blocks are so addictive and so sweet and I love this new-to-me project.

Make sure you enter the giveaway on my Autumn Winds post, as it ends at midnight tonight. There is a bundle of eight fat quarters and a copy of my pattern as the two prizes on offer.

Linking up


  1. I love your original RSC blocks, but I can definitely understand they weren't using up much color. You have beautiful solutions for that! :)

  2. I love your colorful RSC blocks. You are going to have some beautiful quilts at the end of this year.

  3. You have a lot going on for the RSC. I try to limit myself to 2 blocks each year but I can see how those Tiny ones can pull you in!

  4. So many fabulous RSC projects on the go! Have fun!

  5. Fun projects, and so much wonderful color!
    My favorites are the arrow blocks! :)

  6. Oh, those arrows are wonderful! I can't wait to see what happens with them! I love those scrap baskets, too - especially the way you've added in leftover pinwheels and flying geese and HSTs. Lots of fun stuff, Sandra!

  7. I love those arrow blocks. Woohoo for figuring out the downsizing. I love it when I catch up with technology just a bit. Your aqua heart block is very nicely done.

  8. You have a lot of RSC blocks going on. I love the arrow blocks, they will make a lovely quilt.

  9. I really like those arrows. I am anxious to see all the colors together!

  10. One RSC project leads to another, leads to another (leads to another.) I totally get that! The quilted boxes are scrap eaters while in process, as well as scrap store-ers when done. LOVE that!!

  11. Ooh, fun RSC projects, Sandra! I love the arrows. I don’t think I’ve seen those in RSC before. The tiny strips (17!) in the courthouse steps block—I’m squealing. So pretty! And I’m with you about the improv blocks. Super tricky. I don’t know if I overthink it or what. I’ve never been one to have a scrap system where I cut into particular sizes. Maybe that’s the problem. Don’t mind making them, but it’s certainly not a fast or freeing process. But doesn’t it look great in the end?!

  12. With such an explosion of color, your studio seems like a beautiful place to create and enjoy. Love the arrow blocks, although I don't know where to go :-p

  13. These arrows are awesome! They look great scrappy.

  14. I think of them as "twosies" and "threesies" as well! And "longies" and "fatsies" :) All your RSC projects are looking mighty fine!

  15. I love your arrow blocks!! Great tip for the header photo.

  16. Oh I forgot - I'm boycotting your blog due to so many squirrel projects being shared. HAHAHA! I'm weak - I admit it and now I'm making Jessica's QAL blocks. So, your orange RSC blocks look fab but who can go wrong with orange?? And your reverse applique heart is the bomb. LOVE it and those fabrics!!! They swirly heart surrounding the heart - I'm swooning and fell faint it is so fab. Okay, back to boycotting now. ~smile~ Roseanne

  17. Cute block. A good idea for the RSC. I'm looking forward to seeing your quilt come together at the end of the year.

  18. Lovely blocks Sandra!
    Love those arrows! And I’ll probably be tempted to try the reverse appliqué again! (I used it on my name badge recently, you might remember?). It looks a very pretty block!
    Thank you for the tip re the header photo ..... I’ll see I can change mine. I know I started with a smaller photo but couldn’t understand why the next photo was larger!!
    Love your improv baskets too! Another thing to add to my list of things to do!
    Barbara xx

  19. Love the scrappy white backgrounds of your RSC blocks. I find it a bit hard to work with orange fabric, but the white worked really well with your prints. I am not very good with improv at all, you did much better than I ever could. Lovely set of triangles too! The tiny blocks are amazing. What will you do with them? I am sorry for not visiting you earlier, I will tell you on the email.


  20. Love the new, smaller header :) I also love a good, scrappy white background and I love how it's looking with those arrow blocks. You sure are making a lot of progress on a lot of different projects!


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