
Saturday, April 29, 2023

DrEAMi! #72

Welcome to this month's DrEAMi party, where we celebrate diversions!

My friend Pat @irishsparksareflying sent me this and it is PERFECT to describe a DrEAMi incident!

Last month Wendy at Pieceful Thoughts dropped everything to make this adorable box pouch.

And Jan played with her precious indigo scraps to make this pretty quilt.

I did not have a DrEAMi moment in April; the Kool Kats Kwilt consumed most of the month.

Let's see what 'off-ramps' you took during April! Link up below.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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  1. It's always fun and inspiring to see what other quilters just have to stop and make! I was impressed with Wendy's zipper pouch - I haven't tried anything quite that involved. Have a great weekend, Sandra!

  2. Thanks for the highlight, Sandra! I love that meme - totally me - haha! My squirrel this month isn't quite finished, but it was definitely a diversion.

  3. Ah yes. How "sad" is it that most of us identify with this picture! :-) I say "Squirrel!" whenever I am distracted by a new project - or even the THOUGHT of a new project. Yikes. I'm a sorry case.

  4. Perfect meme! I just saw squirrel pint glasses from a nearby brewery and may make a quick detour to get a few!

  5. I didn't really have a squirrel this month either as I've been concentrating on a village, some stitchery & trying (operative word) to get some old flimsies quilted with only one being completed. Take care & hugs.

  6. Hi Sandra, I managed to miss your party again. I always have squirrels going on and it seems to be getting worst. I'll try to make it next month. Take care.
