
Saturday, June 24, 2023

DrEAMi #74

Welcome to another month of Drop Everything And Make it celebrations. I apologize for this getting out quite late, but I've been on a road trip, keeping Dayna company and helping with the precious cargo of my grand-cat, Harper on the way down to Tennessee where they've relocated. She was an absolute angel of a traveller!
Waiting in a bedroom for those noisy movers to finish

No chipmunks for Harper to keep her eye on in the south, but I am sure she will find something else to interest her at her glass front storm door, once her parents install one! Here she is at Dayna’s new bedroom window, intent on something, probably a bunny, outside. 

I had a few DrEAMi incidents: three makeup bags, two of which you can read about here, and the third, pictured below, which is for sale in my Etsy shop.

A fourth true DrEAMi occurred, Bright Paws, when I switched from starting to construct the backing for Rainbow Neighbourhood, and went to town finishing up the twelve bear paw blocks and sashing, and didn't stop there, nope. I made a second backing from Kelly Young's new book, Perfectly Pieced Quilt Backs so I had two pieced backs from her book to show in the hop last week. The finished quilt is below, the third of my H2H projects for this year.

The huge DrEAMi below from last month's linkup, and oh, it’s a good one, is Rose's Sushi Shuffle quilt. I NEED to make a 2.5" strips and bricks quilt. 

I love how Rose said she squeezed this in between her 'must-do's', calling this a 'shouldn't be doing', which is exactly what a DrEAMi is, and why my Rainbow Neighbourhood sits, un-quilted with 7 days to go until my own deadline! I guess a third H2H quilt that was part of my commitment could go under 'must-do' right?

Nancy had four, yes, four(!) DrEAMi quilts. My favourite is her Strip Twist 2.0. She is hanging this striking one on her front door.

I'll leave the linky open until Tuesday suppertime since it's being posted so late on Saturday. One other announcement is that I won't have the DrEAMi linkup for July and August.
Just chilling on her sheepskin bed, her cat crate open on the left, her litterbox handy on the right (which she used for a pee while Dayna and I ate our lunch in the truck!)

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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  1. I'm so glad Harper was such a good traveler. I hope that they all settle in easily in TN and that you still get to visit with them as much as possible.

  2. Glad the move went well & you've certainly had some busy times this year. Loved that Bear Paws when you showed it before & my backing for the village quilt is ready & waiting, but has stalled due to "whatever". A few of us here in Oz are calling our lost mojo, "Pandemic Hangover". I hope to make a start on it today & if it isn't bound, can I still show it? As it is extremely windy & overcast, I definitely won't be outside. Thanks for keeping me motivated, take care & hugs.

  3. Poor Harper! No chipmunks, that is terrible. Perhaps there will be new birds for you to watch.

  4. Glad Harper did well and that you could help Dayna settle in. You have been busy! Love your bags and all the wonderful things you featured!

  5. I did not end up with a DrEAMi this month because we were helping one of our kids move, too. Plus there was the Rainbow Neighbourhood to stay focused on, and I'm so glad I did! I bet your daughter kitty will find new friends to watch out the window!

  6. I'm glad you and Harper had some traveling fun together. I am liking your squirrels for this month. I'm going to try to sneak in a post - off to get it written!

  7. Your colorful bear paw quilt design is calling my name! I do like that!!! Thanks for hosting DrEAMi and we'll see it back in September! I hope the move all went well and new dreams have begun!!!

  8. Hi Sandra, I'm glad that you had a good trip with Dayna and Harper! I finally made the link up - these are also shouldn't be doing projects since I also have a Neighbourhood house to finish. Actually it's not going to get past the flimsy stage by the deadline - I just had too many fun things to appliqué on it...I may have gotten carried away :-)

  9. WHOOPS!, I missed this link up and I even had a squirrel that you'd recognise, even though a flimsy. Take care & hugs.

  10. Sandra...Your creations are beyond wondrous and beautiful and magical! I'm simply in starry-eyed awe!
