
Monday, December 4, 2023

Sunset Strip Pattern Release

Sunset Strip is my newest release! This was a quilt I designed for a challenge when I was an Island Batik ambassador in March 2019. There are (ahem) a few challenge quilts that need to get written up and published into patterns! I've not been as productive in the pattern-writing department this year, just three: this one, and two for magazines.

This pattern was the first design in that year's Design Challenge I was hosting, so it is high time I got it out into the world. It's also the first one I wrote up, graphics and all, in Pages, a word processing app on my MacBook Air. Prior to this I worked in Googledocs, but storage is limited there, so I thought why not learn Pages. It's really not much different than Word and Googledocs, and is actually more user-friendly in many ways.
I had four lovely ladies test the pattern and I am excited to show you their makes! Also I should add that it is on sale all week at the lowest price I've ever released a pattern: $7CA. That's just about half price. ($12 regular)

I originally named the design 'Cheerio' as a double entendre: the English expression for 'see ya', emphasis on the 'o', as well as a nod to the round cereal. However, when I was adding hashtags to the pattern back, I learned that there is a pretty popular Cheerio pattern already out there by Bonnie and Camille and I am not going to try to compete! When I thought about the rich batiks I'd used, one is even named 'Sunset', the name for the quilt came to me, since the blocks are in a strip down the quilt.

There is lots of negative space to free-motion quilt intricate designs, as on the original, 

do straight line motifs, or quilt your favourite all-over, as I did on the baby quilt I recently made for my great-niece born October 15. You can read more about her quilt here. The soft colours here are quite a contrast to the intense colours of the cover quilt.

There are two sizes in the pattern; both have the same number of O's.

The amount of negative space lends itself well to using a print that you love. That is what Rose of somethingrosemade did. Read all about her boomer quilt, (absolutely love the idea, and I have one and didn't even know it!), Karma Khameleon, here.

Tish of @tishnwonderland tests all of the Meadow Mist Designs mystery quilts, and she's tested several of my patterns over the years, most recently Rosebud Garland which is in the current issue of Make Modern (see sidebar). She first checked through the pattern for tech stuff like math, wording, and diagrams that make sense. She also then made time to make the baby quilt.

Michelle in Scotland made a gorgeous version.

I love the pinks and wines of Carol's quilt, at Quilt Schmilt. The timing was perfect: she's made it for a popular blog hop that starts this week: the Virtual Christmas Cookie Exchange. Her post is tomorrow.

Remember to pop over to my Etsy shop, SandraJaneQuilts, and check out (or buy, grin) Sunset Strip, on sale until Friday midnight for just $7. No code required.

Aren't they all just wonderful? I can see one in primary colours, tumbling down, or Christmas colours in throw size with a Milky or sherpa backing...

Now I'm off to get started on a third version of Sunset Strip, a commissioned baby quilt. More on it when it's finished!

Linking up



  1. A great quilt pattern, which looks good in all the pictures.

  2. It's fun seeing all the differnt versions of this quilt. Congrats on the publication of a new pattern!

  3. I've been waiting to see this new quilt - and it's gorgeous! (I may have already bought it... ;-) for our coming grand-daughter!)

  4. Such pretty quilts, and another great pattern, Sandra! Congrats!

  5. Hi Sandra! They are all just wonderful! How nice of them to test for you and for you to share the finished products. I just adore Michelle's version. That navy background really makes the colors pop and what pretty fabrics she chose. This makes me want to find my sewing mojo again and get busy. Congrats on a successful release! I'm proud of you for getting the pattern to the completed stage. Now you can enjoy the holidays (and the sales!) and work on another in 2024. {{Hugs}} a bunch ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Congratulations on the pattern release and it's so fun to see all the versions your testers made. Checking the hashtag on Instagram is a smart idea (I wouldn't want to compete with a B&C pattern, either), and I hope you have fun making your 3rd version of this as a commission.

  7. Sandra, this pattern is so fun to see in everyone’s different color schemes. I’d have a hard time choosing a favorite!

  8. Congratulations Sandra. It is absolutely lovely.

  9. This is such a great pattern, and from those design challenges long ago! I love the former name, but the current name is perfect, too. Great job by all the testers!

  10. This is a neat design, and looks like it would sew up pretty quickly, too! Congratulations on publishing another pattern, Sandra!

  11. Love this quilt!!! Congratulations on another fabulous pattern!
    quilting gail

  12. Congrats on the latest pattern release! Love the quilt and quilting.

  13. Very pretty Sandra! I've always liked asymmetrical quilt designs. Your layout has lots of fabric possibilities, as evidenced by the variety you shared her, and that's very appealing. I like and use Pages too, and have also used it for pattern-writing. Great job, you! Hope you sell lots!
