
Friday, January 19, 2024

Rosebud Garland Pattern Release

Ta-da! May I present Rosebud Garland! I am very excited to release my first pattern of 2024, which technically is my last pattern of 2023, since it was in the previous issue of Make Modern, issue #55 to be specific. One of the many things I love about this magazine is that they only keep the rights to your patterns until the next issue comes out, in other words, just two months.

What you won't get in the Make Modern issue is the pattern for the accompanying placemats, as well as a tip in this post to make an extra-long runner if you've got a large dining table, as does my daughter, Dayna. Read on to find out and also to check out the low price at which it's being offered.

As the cover says, this is a fast way to change your seasonal décor; the runner sews up very quickly. If you have the AccuQuilt 2" finished HST, it's even faster.

Make Modern
said they might include the placemats in the magazine if they had space, but in the end they opted not to. At first I was disappointed as it makes such a nice ensemble, but then I thought, aha! 😇 I can put them in the pattern I release and that will be the 'something extra' reason to purchase the pattern. I always like to give a good bang for your buck. I love the Northcott Fabrics line I used, Angels on High.

The pattern is on sale all weekend for just CA$6. That's 50% off! That's an even lower price than when I released my previous pattern, Sunset Strip. You can pick it up in my Etsy shop, SandraJaneQuilts. I'd like to thank Tish of @tishnwonderland who made the runner to test my instructions prior to its release in the magazine, and then did another read-through of the pattern before I uploaded it to my Etsy shop. 

So last August/September when I was in the throes of making the runner and placemats, photographing them in cool spots (that's my neighbour's gorgeous Sweet Autumn Clematis climbing over her trellis in the cover photo), Dayna put in some requests. One was this runner with pink rosebud blocks tumbling over it, which I made.

Another was for a super-long Christmas AF (I'll let you google that acronym) runner, *not in modern Christmas colours, but traditional ones. That one I didn't get finished, though I did finish her Christmas Tree Farm quilt that was also on the list of requests. I also have finished Harper's (her cat) heart quilt, which still needs its post. I even made her some new cloth napkins, so I think her list is complete at present time of writing!

In honour of the pattern release, I made sure to set aside some time this past week to make her super-long runner.

Fabrics were decided upon:

Cutting ensued, working off my own instructions. I did wander away from the two-at-a-time HST method in the pattern so that I could use my 2" finished HST AccuQuilt die.

I love how it turned out.

It measures 18.5" wide just as the one in the pattern, but instead of 50.5" long this one is 82.5"! I actually quite like this long version, as the garland block really flows out nicely from the centre stars.

There is 'vintage' stash and modern leftovers in her runner and it all works so well. The star fabric is completely gone; I had to piece a couple of the patches and had no fabric left for the final borders. I was happy to find the cherub fabric which worked well, and now consists of just one 2.5" or so  by WOF strip. It feels good to use these right up!

Once I quilt it you will see it again. So what did I do to get the extra 32" for Dayna? I simply made four garland blocks instead of two, being sure to orient them so they arc in the opposite direction to the ones that flow out from the centre stars. Easy, and it didn't take much more fabric at all, maybe another 1/3 yard of background. The rosebud blocks can be made from scraps.

Remember it is on sale for only CA$6 all weekend!

**An error in the magazine version that I've let them know of:
Step 1 under Preparation and Cutting says
"trim the remainder into three 7 1/2" strips (discard extra 1") and subcut..."

Should say 
"trim strip back to 7 1/2" wide and subcut..."

It's very odd because the correct wording was in my copy to proofread for the magazine, and it got reworded (incorrectly) for the published copy.🥴When you're making it, the error is obvious as you only have an 8 1/2" strip to work with!

Linking up


  1. AF for me is Atrial Fibrillation !!!!Love the runners, the one with reds/pinks is beautiful and the colours shine against the white.

  2. I admired the runner in the Make Modern when it came out & may one day give it a try. I love the photo with the decorated car. Take care & hugs.

  3. Congrats on the new pattern release! It's definitely a very versatile one.

  4. Great runners, Sandra! Congrats on the new pattern release!!

  5. That's wonderful that Make Modern reverts the rights back to you so quickly. I love when you can add more into the pattern release, like the placemats, and the tip for extending the runner is fantastic. I look forward to seeing how you quilt the new runner!

  6. Sandra, love the many runners you've made with this pattern and the placemats are so pretty too. The extra long table runner is gorgeous. The extended arc makes it so sophisticated. Did we see the Harper's quilt? Looking forward to seeing the quilting on the long runner.

  7. I love this much fun and the placemats are a fun addition!

  8. Great photo op with the decorated car which seems to be holding a bunch of plants. Is it being used as a greenhouse? I hope you're staying warm and don't have too much snow. We're far enough away from Lake Erie that we had only a couple inches of snow unlike south of Buffalo with 4, 5 and 6 feet.

  9. Hi Sandra! What a pretty tablescape you set with the runner and placemats. It's fun to think of Spring coming soon, and that's where this pattern takes me. Congrats on the pattern release! I'm proud of you. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  10. I have the pattern printed out; however I'm probably going to make it shorter 😁 Congratulations on another pattern release. Love the placemats. Love the long version for Dayna.

  11. It's looks like a versatile pattern Sandra - I love the long version with the extra rosebud/garland blocks.
