
Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Aqua in April

It's the fourth month in to the year and into the RSC2019 over at soscrappy, and all I've done is make one scrap basket for March and the fabric panels in red for the January basket. Until now.

I saw this quilt in the McCall's Quick Quilts August/September 2018 issue, and thought then it would make for a great Rainbow Scrap Challenge quilt. However, it would take a little thinking and planning ahead of time, something that I just didn't have time to do. With the 30 Quilt Designs Challenge on again, I've been working more with EQ8, so I put the block into it and played with some rainbow colours, and I think it's going to be great! I won't show you my plan until I've got all the blocks caught up, keep your interest kind of thing!

Because I'm not making it according to the instructions in the magazine where you use no-waste flying gees construction, which is my favourite, btw, I'm making one goose at a time so I have twelve HSTs to trim per two blocks, and well, I can't just toss them...

So you see I've suddenly got three RSC2019 projects! These, which trim to 1.75" will go into a rainbow mini for my new sewing room.


No we are definitely not moving; plenty of that in the past couple of years for this girl. Remember we have a little 1947 one and a half storey house, and I sew in the upper level. Here's what it looked like on Saturday, IRL, in the midst of sewing the H2H quilt, no cleaning up happened:

I have a two-sided sewing table. You can just get a glimpse of my 1947 (matches the house ha) Featherweight, Billie, my Bernina opposite. Kenny the heater is to the right, Bella in the centre (of course), sitting on the stool for Dorothy, my 15-91 who still needs some TLC, but her desk serves as the computer station. Then you see Avril, the Avanté, all 10 feet of her taking up that half of the room. To her right is my cutting/pressing station which I love. It's the second incarnation; you may recall the first, shortly after moving in,

which didn't leave room for Avril. You can see my AccuQuilt machine set on the cutting mat in the first photo. So far I've done a couple practice cuts with scraps and it's pretty slick! Then I got this cough/laryngitis/now head cold and my head can't seem to concentrate too well. Plan to get at my design today (see the plan below), once I finish cutting and writing up the post for the Beothuk Star QAL tomorrow!

Those observant types will notice several angels hanging on walls or from the ceiling. This one, my fabric fairy, will fly down to the spare room, which is where I'll be sewing for the next several months while dormers and a proper floor, insulation, and drywall go in upstairs!

Where is Avril?
She and I will be quilting in the basement room MacGyver built. She's had to lose some weight, going down to an 8' frame for now. I'll keep you posted as things progress.

I will mention bluprint here again, simply because I watched a great course, Designing Modern Quilts, with Weeks Ringle. (affiliate link) I need to do this more, just browse and watch, while I still have my year-long membership! It was as good as watching Rory at Yale (I'm in Season 4 of Gilmore Girls), and it sparked some design ideas too for the challenge. And YES! you can still join. It ends May 15, but we may even extend it another 10 days so it's the usual 70 days instead of 60 as per this year. The more you make yourself sit down and create, the more creative you get! I speak from experience; it's just like working out, truly. Your muscles strengthen and improve. 🙌
Here's another design of mine, the one for the April challenge for Island Batik:
Another perk of being a bluprint member, is that from time to time you get terrific deals, like today where I can get 60% off any item of my choosing. All year long I get 15% off. And right now new monthly subscription members get a free Steamfast iron (I bought mine, and I love it, use it daily), $30 off kits and supplies, and one free class to own forever. If you live within the US, you get free shipping too. It's a pretty good deal.

Linking up


  1. Oooh, I look forward to seeing what you are up to with the RSC blocks and quilts. I'm glad you have places to shuffle around to while updates are made to make your sewing room fabulous.

  2. I know what you will have to bear with, as our builders started yesterday. The storage room will be FANTASTIC, already I love it, bare boards, no gib or a light, and no shelves yet. Can you reconstruct Avril to the original size later on, and what about your leader cloths? Love the angel that will be downstairs too, lovely friend to have for company.

  3. I don't envy you having to move to the basement, but it will likely be completely worth it. Good luck with the remodeling. My RSC projects seem to multiply, too! I have a long list saved for the next several years worth of projects. Looking forward to the QAL!

  4. Ooo, remodeling ... twelve years of it in our last home, a 1960 Cape Cod. It was worth the blood, sweat, and tears because it turned out as beautiful as we hoped it would. So, I know the pain of shuffling a while house around and how great the results will be. I never thought about design coming more easily with regular “exercise.” That makes sense! Some day I’d like to play with EQ8.

  5. Those RSC blocks look interesting. Remodeling not fun but worth it in the end.

  6. I am so happy that you shared a picture of your sewing place IRL! I feel so much more normal now!
    I love that you name your "coworkers". I have named several of the trees on my property, and the property itself...Funny Farm, because well, funny things happen here!
    The aqua blocks are pretty! I really like the arrows. I will have to look back in my Quick Quilts magazines to find that pattern.

  7. I am always fascinated by the creative spaces that artists have created to work in.

  8. I had to conduct a mini research to understand the variations between teal, aqua and turquoise :-D In the end, I decided to just go with it - as long the colors were in the same neighborhood as aqua. I am sure you will love your remodeled space. So remember that when the actual process gets onerous. I am curious about how you took this picture showing the entire space. Do you have a drone mounted camera?

  9. You have such a lovely room! Love the ceiling. It will be even nicer once the renovation is finished. I am always happy to see Bella there!


  10. Sounds like a big project tho one that will have a huge payout in the end. I love seeing sewing spaces of my on-line friends. It gives me a peek into your life which is sort of fun. I look at these pictures and can just see you working away in there. :-)

  11. You've got a very busy sewing room going on. Hope the redo goes quickly, but it's going to be such fun to have a refresh on the space. Love your newest RSC project, very pretty!


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