
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Beothuk Star QAL Cutting

Now that you've gathered your fabrics (or maybe you're like me and waffle and overthink and hem and ha), we are going to cut into them. Just like the requirements for fabric, the cutting thereof varies slightly from version to version.

I'm hosting a linky party today where you can link up your blog or Instagram or Flickr post of either your fabric pull/purchase or your cutting. It will be open for a full week or more to give you ample time. I may just have a prize for one lucky person...
Oh! and here's the html code for the button. Thanks to Cindy at Stitchin at Home for guidance! You can copy and paste this into your gadgets widget and the button will appear on your sidebar directing people to the main landing page for the QAL.

<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" data-original-height="800" data-original-width="800" height="200" src="" width="200" /></a></div>

Version 1 - The original quilt

Note that cutting for all versions is based on 42" useable width of fabric (WOF).

Background *Note that there is enough yardage to cut either 3 7/8" or, if you prefer, 4" squares for your HSTs. I will refer to them as 4" here. If you have the PDF from when it was on Craftsy, those instructions have 3 7/8".
Cut five strips at 4" by WOF (width of fabric). Cut further into 48 squares @ 4".
Cut three strips at 3 1/2" by WOF. Cut further into 32 squares @ 3 1/2".
Cut four strips @ 3 1/2" wide for the borders.

Cut 8 squares @ 3 1/2".
Cut 4 squares @ 4".

Cut one strip @ 4" by WOF. Cut further into 10 squares @ 4". Cut two more 4" squares from remainder of fabric for a total of 12 squares @ 4".
Cut one strip @ 3 1/2" by WOF. Cut further into 12 squares @ 3 1/2".

Navy/gold mottled
Cut four strips @ 4" by WOF.  Cut further into 32 squares @ 4".

Version 2 My November Blogger Bundle; additional background fabric required. This one is a bit tricky, so read through carefully in its entirety first.

Version 2 using the half-yard bundle

****There's a bit of finagling needed to make this work with the fat quarter bundle. Note that the above version requires you to piece the remainder of the turquoise fat quarter to create the all 12 of the 3 1/2" squares needed in that second last border. See below.
As for Version 1.

As for Version 1 **unless you bought the fat quarter bundle. One option here is that you will cut 4 extra squares of eggplant @ 3 1/2" for a total of 12. Your cornerstones will be eggplant in both the final border as well as in the one just before it. See below:
Version 2 - Option 1 using the fat quarter bundle

As for Version 1 orange **unless you bought the fat quarter bundle.
FAT QUARTER:  Cut 3 strips 4" by 21" of your fat quarter. Cut further into 12 squares @ 4".
Cut three squares @ 3 1/2" from the remainder of the third strip. Cut a 3 1/2" strip by 21" of the remainder of the fat quarter and cut it further into five more squares @ 3 1/2" for a total of 8. This makes Version 2 Option 1 shown above.

This is where you make a decision: Cut a 9th 3 1/2" square and then piece the remaining 2 1/2 - 3" wide strip (depending on how generous the 18" fat quarter cut is!) of the fat quarter left to make three more turquoise squares @ 3 1/2" for a total of 12 squares @ 3 1/2". This will make Version 2, same as the Half Yard Blogger Bundle but three of the 3 1/2" squares will be seamed.
If that won't work for you, then you may want to cut either four extra 3 1/2" squares from the eggplant. This will make the quilt above, Version 2 - Option 1.
You may want to cut eight extra 3 1/2" squares from the eggplant. This will make the quilt layout shown below, Version 2 - Option 2. It has a kind of cross effect.
Version 2 - Option 2 using the fat quarter bundle
Cut 8 squares @ 4".

Cut 8 squares @ 4".

Diamond motif purple and turquoise (2 stars are made from this fabric)
Cut 2 strips 4" by WOF. Cut further into 16 squares @ 4".

Version 3 Blogger Bundle with extension purchased. 

There's a bit of finagling needed to make this work as well with the fat quarter bundle.
As for Version 1.

As for Version 1 **unless you bought the fat quarter bundle. Please refer to the choices in Version 2 - Option 1 or 2 as to how to make this work for the eggplant and turquoise fat quarters.

As for Version 1 Orange **unless you bought the fat quarter bundle. Please refer to the choices in Version 2 -  as to how to make this work for the eggplant and turquoise fat quarters.

Cut 8 squares @ 4".

Cut 8 squares @ 4".

Diamond motif purple and turquoise
Cut 8 squares @ 4".

Berry triangles fabric
Cut 8 squares @ 4".

Version 4 New curated kit. This one has only two fabrics for the four evening stars, and yardage for the turquoise.

As for Version 1.

As for Version 1 Eggplant.

As for Version 1 Orange.

Dark Pink
FAT QUARTERS:  Cut 3 strips 4" by 21" of your fat quarter. Cut further into 15 squares @ 4". Cut one more 4" square from the remainder of your fat quarter.

Medium Pink
FAT QUARTERS:  Cut 3 strips 4" by 21" of your fat quarter. Cut further into 15 squares @ 4". Cut one more 4" square from the remainder of your fat quarter.

Okay! Phew! That's a lot. Any questions, just shoot me an email, ephdra at gmail dot com. I can't wait to see more fabric pulls and cuts! Here's mine with the new kit:

See you back here on May 1 for piecing the first eight blocks and some HST tips.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter


  1. I'm actually ready to cut!! Fabric is selected and waiting to be cut and sewn. Woo hoo!!

  2. I have my fabric here and there in my quilt room. Time to gather it and get busy. This is going to be fun!

  3. It will be fun to see all the fabric pulls.

  4. I decided this week to make a special stack of "inspiration" fabrics. You know, the ones that you want to just keep taking out and petting? My goal is for those fabrics to serve as the sparks for upcoming quilts. So of course I'm going to use one of them as the central star in my Beothuk!

    But then, I got an email from my niece-in-law, answering my questions about what colors she wants in the quilt for the baby she's expecting this fall. And those colors are NOT AT ALL like the ones in my inspiration fabric. Oh, dear. What to do, what to do. I mean, Beothuk Star is the perfect size for a baby quilt, and I need to make one soon.

    I guess I'm just going to have to pull two sets of fabrics and make two quilts. Yup. That is CLEARLY the only logical solution :)

  5. Hi Sandra! I'm all ready to make version #3. I can't wait to get started cutting . . . good thing there is a long weekend ahead. Happy Easter/Passover to you and your family. I hope the pups are doing well. I hope you have lots of friends join in on the QAL. ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Planning mine out with graph paper and colored pencils before I do any cutting - and excited to get going on this! Thanks for giving us 2 weeks for this step!

  7. Fun quilt and some interesting fabric pulls. It will be fun to watch this space for to see all the different versions come together.


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