
Saturday, September 16, 2023

Rainbow Scraps at Work

I started the year with just one rainbow project. And I’m happy to report that all the blocks are complete; in fact, now that the turquoise ones are done, I have one extra!

It evolved, as they often do, too, aiming to make a gradation in shades of each color. So you can see these three go from light to dark turquoise. I now have 26 blocks, enough for a 50” square quilt with the extra block going on the back. My original plan was to make 30 but I decided this past week that 25 is fine.

Project 2, which you can see here, has all the blocks done and was from the same magazine as project one. It still needs to have frames incorporated into the quilts to avoid it being a big scrap headache.

Project 3 saw the turquoise block finished and posted on Instagram last week. I now have sewn the nine blocks together, so here is the completed quilt top.

This one measures 48” square, and you can get the free tutorial to make the 16” strippy slab stars here. One of my blog readers and Instagram followers has asked me to make it available in a PDF so that is forthcoming shortly. One pretty cool thing about this quilt is you don’t really need any background fabric yardage! Just use your low volume scraps! I now have two quilt tops awaiting quilting, so there is a bit of an extra push to get back on the 150 Canadian Women quilt which has sat, untouched, since Brady was here in August.

In other scrap news, this past month I sold another makeup bag, a pink one, and as I did with the forest green ones, forgot to remove the pink as a choice and of course I sold another one, which I no longer had! So I had to whip up a pink one, and I decided to make a second one so I have pink in stock again.
This is the one that sold

Note the new zipper. These are from Zipper Valley, and I am quite pleased with them, though stitching with a walking foot is a little bit more challenging as they are heavier. Using a walking foot gives me a smoother finish to the fabric layers than with my zipper foot.

While making the one for the Quebec client, I got the outer shell done for a second pink bag and finished it the next day. It’s for sale in my Etsy shop, SandraJaneQuilts.

As often as possible I use Noodlehead’s ‘open wide’ zipper insertion

Have you read Make Modern issue #54? I'm half way through it, always so many good things inside. Remember you can buy just one issue or you can get a 6-month or an all-access subscription. Click here or on the graphic below to see the options or on my sidebar. I am in the next one, issue #55!

Can't wait to share the project I made with the absolutely gorgeous fabric line from Northcott Fabrics, Angels on High.

In the meantime, I finally updated my Rainbow Neighbourhood pattern front and back covers.

How I love the cover photo! I was able to tuck in the full shot of the twin size without covering up too much of the wonderful mural on the side of that lovely old house which is a terrific florist in town. The back now shows the actual two projects that make up the four within the pattern. There is a cushion aka pillow and a bench pillow. The pattern is my most expensive $14CA, (most are $12, many less than that) but it also has the most projects within one pattern.

I guess I should also mention in case you haven't heard, that Etsy is giving $5 off any order over $25 this weekend. You read that right; it applies to anything and everything! The code is GET5. It ends Sunday night.


  1. A lot of info here today Sandra. I love, love, love the slab stars.

  2. Your Rainbow of crumb stars is fabulous, Sandra! I might just have to put those on my list. Love the pink zipper bags - no wonder they are popular in your shop - so pretty! The cover photo for Rainbow Neighbourhood is lots of fun. I think that quilt will be my favorite finish for a long time!

  3. You've been busy. The rainbow crumb stars turned out beautifully. Looking forward to seeing your other RSC blocks put together.

  4. Hi Sandra!! I was just talking about your zipper bags the other day and sent a friend to your Etsy shop. Those slab star blocks just appeal to me every time I see them, so thanks for the tutorial. I really DO want to make some. Where did you get your labels/tags? I need to get some . . . I've put it off long enough. The new cover of Rainbow is fabulous!! How fun - what a great photo. I hope you are doing well (and Bella and the pups, too). {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. turquoise, turquoise, and turquoise... doesn't get much better

  6. Congratulations on your progress on all the rainbow scrap quilts. Sounds like you have some pretty good reason to get back to quilting your 150 Canadian Women quilt, beyond the satisfaction of getting that quilt finished, too!

  7. Just a beautiful star quilt top, and what a great picture for the Rainbow Neighbourhood pattern! Love the pink bags, too.

  8. You've been busy. I can't say the same, but I've made a little progress.

  9. Please, which quick quilts magazine is the first quilt pattern in? I love it, simple and beautiful! Thanks ☺️

  10. Now I know where my sewjo has gone :-) You have made lots of lovely things; although I am looking forward to seeing the 150 Canadian Women quilt finished. Also looking forward to issue 55 of Make Modern to see what you have in there. Love the front picture of Rainbow Neighbourhood.

  11. Ah yes! I too have a quilt in issue 55 of "Make Modern"! Apparently the issue is about Log Cabin quilts, and my improv version called "Log Jam" will make an appearance. Congratulations to you for having a pattern in the issue! And thanks for the tip about Etsy.

  12. Sweet aqua blocks. Your pouches are very "pretty in pink". Have a good weekend.

  13. Love your aqua blocks. The zips are always beautiful. I did make my own pdf of the star pattern....using Print Friendly. It is the way I save a lot of things now.
