Thursday, October 6, 2022

Thursday Thoughts and WIP

I thought I'd pop into your inbox this week with a little update. It seems I don't feel the urge to write nearly as often these days, and I don't want to only write when I have a finish, so here's what is going on in my world since I got back from Alberta.

Fall is gently making itself present here. As I look out my sewing room windows I see the Norway maple about 50% yellow, and the red oak maybe 10% gold and red. I love the enflamed look it gets, as it turns in small 'chunks', not a gentle all-over that creeps, nor an outside-in turning as do the softwood (I think?) maples. I see deep forest green with 'hits' of flames, just breathtaking every single time I see it, which is all day long. The English oak on the far right, and the Linden just to the left of it haven't started to change. If I look way up, à la The Friendly Giant, which clearly dates me to a Canadian child of the 60s, I see the black walnuts have just started to fade to a paler green.

I joined up with Leanne's #wipsbgone2022 activity once again this year. Heaven knows I have enough of them, and for some reason, okay, back that up, for a squirrels and chasing shiny objects reason, I haven't been checking near enough of them off the list, despite aiming to do one a month for Gail's PHD programme!

So, I figured, join up, have fun, and guilt, I mean, gently pressure yourself to complete some more! So what did I first do once I got home and wandered into my sewing room?

Started a new quilt! 🤭 Oops.

I saw the Patchy Pumpkin Quilt by White Plains Quilts on Instagram and sent it to Brianne because she likes that old-fashioned truck, and she loves fall... Well the reaction was such ("I am asking you to make that for me, and I never ask for quilts because I don't really like them...") that I bought the pattern, and played for an entire day, pulling fabrics. As of the writing of this post, Thursday morning, I have all the pumpkins done, the stars nearly done, and hope to start on the truck this afternoon.

I am one of the sponsors for Leanne too: one person will win their choice of two PDF patterns from my Etsy shop.

Now maybe I should actually make the list of three projects for this first quarter of the challenge, ya think?! Or maybe I'll just go make those stars for Brianne's quilt... 

Here is my list, which I need to post on Instagram since that is where the challenge is happening:
1. Make the backing for 150 Canadian Women. (I'd really like to have this done by year's end)
2. Organize the pattern release for 'Heading North' (which has been tech-edited and ready to sell for oh, about a month!).
3. Finish Brianne's pumpkin quilt.
4. Make the backing for my Shasta Daisy quilt (a long-overdue WIP) and baste the layers together.

Here's one of the massive orange-dipped maple trees from this morning's dog walk:


  1. You're right, your trees are just beginning to blush. I'd like ours to stay a bit longer, but our wind may not let that happen. Love those pumpkins!

  2. That pumpkin project would be too much to resist for any of us. Have fun whatever you choose to work on!!

  3. It is such a cute pumpkin quilt! I love that even though quilts aren’t her thing that she still requests them.

  4. The temptation of new projects can be overwhelming sometimes. So it is now a WIP and therefore I think it now counts toward Wipsbgone2022.

  5. The trees are definitely starting to put on a show for you as the season turns. Ah, WIPs, PHD's and UFO's are, I think, definitely craft related & crafters usually have them. Look forward to seeing what you achieve. Your first paragraph relates to me too, with not much "oomph" at the moment either. Hope you keep on posting, take care and hugs.

  6. your trees look just like ours... cute fabrics on the pumpkins!!

  7. I enjoyed watching The Friendly Giant. Love the fabric you choose for pumpkins.

  8. Patchy pumpkins is going to be a fun quilt to make. My daughter is like yours, doesn't like quilts:(

  9. thank you for the fall pictures,i live overseas and every little bit of fall spells home to me! i love it.

  10. I did exactly the same thing - something shiny - with another pumpkin quilt - this one by Fig Tree. Oh - and diddling around on the computer instead of being at work in my studio.

  11. Hi Sandra! Oh, that Maple tree! They are spectacular even when they're just getting started on their display. Good luck with your WIPs - I look forward to seeing that pumpkin and stars quilt for B. {{Hugs}} a bunch. ~smile~ Roseanne

  12. Oh, the colors are beginning....I fear it will be a quick season of color with the lack of rain we have had..but we shall see. I am joining in too...just made my list yesterday. Good luck with the 1st quarter of finishing!

  13. The pumpkins are cute.
    Some of the trees in our neighbourhood are already full on colour, but most less than halfway gone. I love the changing views from the windows, but am not looking forward to colder weather.

  14. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who is starting a new quilt for no reason other than... squirrel!! Whatever. It's cheaper than therapy.
