Remember my Scraps of Calm flimsy? And how I lamented not having a backing down here, knowing that I had several from which to choose sitting in my stash up north?
Well, a few weeks ago, Cynthia from Quilting is More Fun than Housework emailed me with a pic of the backing of one of her customer's quilts. It made her think of me.
Of course, I had to have some. She said she saw it was at Jo-Ann's, so I ordered some when I ordered some thread. I love it. Well, it hit me yesterday. I wonder... and sure enough it works! Here I even wrote in the post about seeing myself taking it to yoga classes... My melon is slow, but it eventually catches up, lol. I even ran it by Joe, and he agrees, it will work.
I wanted to use it as the focus fabric for a quilt, and have a good chunk left for the backing. Well, the entire thing is going to be the backing; hope there's enough, as I just got 2 yards. I love the mantras on it, all most appropriate.
The frogs are just too stinkin' cute, as my friend Jude would say. I love frogs, have done since I was quite young, and had a nickname for a little while of Toad, after Toad in The Wind in the Willows. Then the nickname gravitated somehow, and quite appropriately, to my brother Todd...
I love the way the blues and greens play together on Scraps of Calm. So much so, that I jumped into another of Cynthia's Scrap-a-Palooza quilts, her 16-patch from September. Before I could barely blink, I had 10 blocks done. I really like her method of construction, a new one for me. I've strip-pieced and cut across to make 4-patches and 9-patches, but have never made a 16-patch. Voilà!
I'm matching a dark with a light alternating blue and green |
Tried to get an all-shade pic but it was difficult. Settled for an all-sun pic, which tends to wash out the colours a little, so I apologize. This quilt has two possible recipients in mind (sorry, Dayna, you're not one of them): an uncle who told me how cold he was the other night when we chatted on the phone, or someone in the old folks' home across the street from our home in Kingsville. I plan to make a few to donate to them this year.
Hop on over to Quilting is More Fun than Housework to see Cynthia's January scrap quilt! It is once again, another great one.
Toad? Huh? Where was I when you had this nickname? I can think of plenty of other nicknames we called you LOL but none as kind as Toad. I mean as cute as Toad. LOL.
ReplyDeleteAnd how lucky the recipient will be of the quilt! And how utterly convenient if you DO gift it to one of the "old folks" in the "old folks' home" across from yours in Kingsville......when they are finished with it in a year or so, it will be waiting for the next old folk who moves in - you!!