Welcome to my monthly installment of gratitude. I link up with LeeAnna of Not Afraid of Color, where you will find several of us who do this weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or whenever the mood strikes! Fell free to join in. As I quoted from Anonymous last month,
The more you are in a state of gratitude, the more you will attract things to be grateful for.
1. Ten days after our visit to Point Pelee near the end of September, this article was on the CBC site,
about the Renaming of a Point Pelee area to Madbin Jina, which means 'come sit awhile' in Anishenaabemowin. Since this is Anishinabewaki territory, it is fitting they named it in the correct original language.
about the Renaming of a Point Pelee area to Madbin Jina, which means 'come sit awhile' in Anishenaabemowin. Since this is Anishinabewaki territory, it is fitting they named it in the correct original language.
2. Another find from a 'deep dive' as one does when investigating rabbit holes of the internet, is from another CBC article, an interview with Wade Davis, anthropologist. Within the article was a comment about the real purpose of anthropology. As stated by Ruth Benedict, well-known anthropologist, it is
"making the world safe for differences."
Davis elaborated, and I absolutely love his words:
Anthropology is the antidote to nativism. It's the antidote to Trump. You know, the real central lesson of anthropology is that every culture has something to say. Each deserves to be heard just as none has a monopoly on the route to the divine. The other peoples of the world are not failed attempts at being new, they're not failed attempts at being modern.
Wouldn't we be in a different place on Turtle Island had our European ancestors had this attitude, rather than one of superiority? Which still pervades whiteness today at every level.
3. I like Sarah Brightman. I've had the pleasure of seeing her twice live in concert and she is worth every dollar. I'm listening to Harem one of my favourite albums, from 2003, as I finish up this post.
4. I like this colour of Essential thread, 21120 Apricot. It is blending well into the creams, purples, oranges and greens of my pumpkin quilt. Will I have a finish by month's end? My OMG was to have the flimsy together which I accomplished within days of my OMG post, so that's why I thought I'd shoot for a complete finish. This quilt will also fit with Inspiration Collaboration which you can find out more about, as it's for art of any kind, through clicking the link. It was actually started by a photographer and painter who, like so many of us, found each other online and have developed a friendship. One of them is Canadian, and one American, again makes my heart full that we have these global-links friendships thanks to finding our peeps here. The American one is Helen of Word Weaver Art, who is a very dear friend of mine, and yes, though we've never met, we have such a deep connection on many levels. I am so grateful for her, and for you, my dear readers and friends, both IRL and in QBL which stands for Quilting Blog Land, but it could be just Blog Land, because I've met people such as Helen who are not quilters, or others who write book blogs, or blogs about quilting and other subjects like LeeAnna herself, the lovely host of this linkup.
Anyhow, more on Inspiration Collaboration when I write the finish post, but I do hope you'll check it out, and maybe find inspiration for a quilt or another piece of art.(Update since I wrote this: I took it off the frame last night! Now for binding and hopefully a sunny day like yesterday for some photos, and then a Friday finish.)
If you look closely, you can spot one of the tubs of chrysanthemums that line the two main streets in town, just stunning, and compare it to the truck in the parking lot and you'll get an idea of the size!
5. I really like the (I think) red oak in the neighbours' yard that I can see from my sewing room windows. I took this photo and put it into my PictureThis app to identify it. It's now a deep orange-gold. Our Linden tree on our side of the fence is still a rich forest green.
I also love the red oak in another neighbour's yard that I can see from my sewing room dormer window. I took this on Monday; it's turning a deep crimson now, just catches my eye multiple times a day. It's a massive tree.
6. I actually like the clear, crisp smell outside when I go for a walk in the mornings. The air seems cleaner in fall doesn't it?
7. I like The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency books by Alexander McCall Smith. I read The Woman Who Walked in Sunshine this past month. They are quick reads, and restore one's faith in the goodness of people, though they do show you the disappointing side of some humans, much like Louise Penny's books; I'm currently enjoying her Fatal Grace. Another excellent read this past month was From the Ashes by Jesse Thistle, one that helps understand both Indigenous people but also those with mental health issues and those who are homeless, often, sadly all three within one person. And another I really enjoyed was The Outlander, by Gil Adamson. This brings my total books read so far this year to 32. I am happy that I have increased my reading time.
8. I like the canna lilies I cut two days ago for a little colour in the kitchen. I took a couple of cuttings from the mandevilla vine that same day, one with a bloom to enjoy. These cutting are from a plant I overwintered last winter, so when these two root they will be third generation! Planning for next summer already. A like inside a like are the pottery or ceramic pumpkins I got at Target a couple of years ago on the mother/daughter weekend I had with Dayna before her wedding in Traverse City, and the warm colours of the runner upon which the flowers are sitting. The orange cannas are about done, think there is one more to open. Outside they are still doing well. Looks like Sunday we may get our first frost, so I may take a couple more stems on Saturday to enjoy inside.
9. As readers of this blog know, I love fall here.
This beautiful, huge old tree is in 'my' lakefront lot. I just love this photo I took a week or so ago. What this wise ancient tree has witnessed (the original house on the lot that burned down, for just one event) never fails to make me pause.In case you don't know, I am originally from Alberta, where fall lasts all of two weeks, no lie. We lived here in southern Ontario in the second half of the 80s for five years, returned to Alberta, and then moved back here just over eight years ago. So I still am in such awe with the full four seasons the different forest and climate that we have here. Some of the oak trees are just stunning, as are, I believe, the Bradford pears. I think that is what the orange-red ones are in the photo of the main street in Kingsville I took two days ago. In spring they have beautiful white blossoms.
If you look closely, you can spot one of the tubs of chrysanthemums that line the two main streets in town, just stunning, and compare it to the truck in the parking lot and you'll get an idea of the size!
We bought a Redspire ornamental pear this fall for our front yard. I love trees, as you well know. So because this year was a rather momentous new decade for us, we actually bought three trees, one to celebrate my 60th birthday which was in April, another to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary which was in August, and a third in memory of my mum, who passed away 2.5 years ago (how can that be?). Besides the Bradford pear, we got an Eastern redbud (my fairy trees) and a flowering dogwood, those with the huge white flowers in spring. They are all good-sized trees, and, together with a maple baby, that is also a good size, from our neighbour, we should have quite a splendid other half of our front yard in a few years! The whole house is really coming together, inside and out. I am so grateful for this home, and for my husband's vision, seeing it for what it could be, and for his efforts and skill in bringing it to fruition.
10. Along that line, it will be some time, as in months, before I can give you a tour of my sewing studio complete. IKEA cabinets are not to be had, unless we drove to Quebec to get two of the three I want... Still, I am grateful for the hodge-podge of furniture I have there as it is functional and I can create just fine! Here is a line from NOrthcott that I am about to cut into for an upcoming magazine quilt! I love it. Northcott has some gorgeous solid-esque fabrics, and, they have a warehouse just a few hours northeast of me! This is Toscana by Deborah Edwards.
Happy Thursday my friends! I'm off to bind my pumpkin quilt, and to do some of Module 11, Current Social Movements, for my Indigenous Canada course I'm auditing through my alma mater, the University of Alberta. Always remember you can listen to the Live discussions on Dan Levy's YouTube channel even if you aren't taking the course, but again, I highly encourage you to take it. It's free and only takes 1.5 or so hours of your time each week.
I added your link in, and my word... I'll be back to finish all the goodness here. I despair of people falling into the current attitude with that man you mentioned even more than I dislike him, it's that there's more than one person with that attitude. About books, I loved the #1 Ladies... also the show was WONDERFUL and the audio books are a treat for the ears.
ReplyDeleteSo much to absorb in your monthly gratitude posts. I'll come back later and do a second reading. We've had mostly gloom, rain and cold for the last week. I've so much to do outside to finish up the yard, but it looks like I'll be doing it in winter gear. Adding to the rain, we haven't had a killing frost yet, which means my dahlias are still in the ground. I haven't read any of the #1 Ladies series, so perhaps I should given them a try. I'm losing interest in several of my regular cozy mystery series. Quilting wise, my online Colorwash 360 class is coming to an end. My top is sewn and I'm waiting on thread to do the quilting. Then a clean up of the studio is needed as there's too much fabric clutter everywhere. Have a good weekend.
I love those teal and purple fabrics, and I love the apricot thread. I don't reach for that color very often, but maybe I will start! I love finding good blenders. Enjoy all your great fall trees and thank you so much for sharing the anthropology quote, it seems so appropriate!!
ReplyDeleteoh those Northcott colours are scrumptious! I am trying to over winter a couple cuttings of my mandevilla vine and hopefully they root.
ReplyDeleteHi Sandra! WOW - those words of Wade Davis. Truly profound and words to live by. Nothing is taken away from you when being accepting of others and our differences. Love all the fabulous Fall photos and those Northcott fabrics look just yummy. Nice rich tones and gorgeous together. That will be a fun project. ~smile~ Roseanne
ReplyDeleteWho would have thought apricot would go with so many fabric colors? I never read the #1 Ladies - but the tv series was charming. I imagine the books are at least as fun. Love the combo of that green and purple.
ReplyDeleteI love your love of trees, Sandra, and enjoyed tge different photos you shared of what you have there where you live! I wouldn't have thought to ever use apricot thread, but it looks gorgeous on your pumpkin quilt. I've enjoyed the #1 Ladies books and also all of Louise Penny's books, too. So many good stories out there to help us escape these strange days!
ReplyDeleteSo many great loves in this - your deep respect for the land, trees, and love of words. Happy Thursday my friend, even though it is a bit late!
ReplyDeleteSandra your quote from Davis sent a chill down my spine. Just last night I watched a documentary that was a view of how that man will be referenced in future generations by both historians and anthropologists. The renaming is a good indication of what we hope our society will manage; a real attempt at reconciliation and honouring the native population of this incredible land we should be sharing in a respectful way. Thanks for sharing your list of likes and all of the beautiful photos. Your Pumpkin Quilt peek looks gorgeous and the trees and canna lilies are amazing.
ReplyDeleteThere is so much packed into your I Like posts, Sandra. I'll have to return to "unpack" it all, as the journalists on radio say these days. Thanks in particular for the links. I will check them out. Still fall here in my corner of Ontario, though missing the sun lately.
ReplyDeleteWhat a post, and what fun to read. Two weeks of fall - okay, I'll stop whining about what I thought was a short fall here. And how can it possibly be 2.5 years??? That quilt is looking good!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite color palettes are always those with greens, purples, and aqua colors... except in autumn. Autumn is for reds, golds, oranges, and yellows!
ReplyDeleteGreat post, and your pictures are always gorgeous. Love the thread color. After the past two cold, dreary days we had one of those few sunny golden autumn days which just sparkle. Have a great weekend.