Sunday, November 3, 2013

Food! Glorious food!

So this afternoon I made my own hummus.  And it is the best hummus I have ever tasted, except for the person's who gave me this recipe!  That would be our next-door neighbour, whose wonderful hummus I tasted a month and a half ago.  So this recipe actually comes from a food blog I now follow, Inspired Taste.  It started with their yummy hummus recipe.  You can get the recipe and directions here.

Here is the picture I took of mine, as it looked so pretty!  And tasted mighty fine too!  I had red pepper strips, carrots and Wheat Thins with it.  And yep, it's sitting on my Fall tablerunner; always gotta work in a quilt.  :-)
Smooth Hummus
I had high hopes of also making both Apple Crisp with the Spy apples we got last week, as well as Pumpkin Muffins.  Ran out of gas after the muffins...   Here is a picture of them.  It's a banana muffins recipe I modified out of a recipe book I bought for a fundraiser from my brother's work.  All the employees gave their favourite tried-and-true recipe, so it's a great book.  They did another one the next year, and I have both! 
Pumpkin Muffins

Here's what I did:
1 cup mashed pumpkin + 1/4 tsp (or more) of allspice, nutmeg and ginger
1 cup pumpkin pie filling
(I've made them both ways, and they're equally good)
6 tbsp vegetable oil
1/2 cup sugar (none if using pie filling)
1 tsp salt
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla (none if using pie filling)
1 1/2 c flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder

Mix the pumpkin, oil, sugar and salt; add egg and vanilla and beat again.  Stir in flour, soda and BP.  Drop into muffin tins.  Bake at 350F for 15-20 minutes.  Makes 8 large muffins.

The plaid pumpkins I made several years ago.  A quilt shop in Lethbridge, Alberta had them as decorations and the store owner showed me how she made them...and so I bought some more fabric from her!  It's just a square of fabric with a ball of fibrefill in the middle.  Gather up the fabric; tie some jute around the top, letting the end flop over the jute.  Stick a twig in the centre for the stem, and cut apart some leaves (from Michaels), glue them on with a hot glue gun, and then spray a little spray glue on the leaves and sprinkle them with glitter.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm, yummy, I'll have to try both! I too have both of his company cookbooks and enjoy the recipes!
    Very cute - and easy - pumpkin decorations!


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