Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Blog-iversary Winner

Should have called this the shortest post ever.

You will have to trust me on this, menopausal melon ailments struck again, as I forgot to take a screenshot of prize #1.

There were 58 comments (two came in today and two late last night, and I said I'd draw yesterday late afternoon but I forgot that Mondays I teach yoga...and then today I was gone all day 9-3:30 sewing wheelchair quilts with some of my guild members, so I just counted everyone), and one entry by email, as she is currently somewhere in Europe--love that!--for a total of 59.

The first prize of $20 of fabric from Miller's Dry Goods goes to

Anja of Anja Quilts!!!  Woot!  Woot!  I'll be in touch by email, Anja.  We met first when she hosted TGIFF, and then shortly thereafter got to know each other better through the New Bloggers Hop.

And the second prize, one of my Pyramid Pouches I designed,
Janis, yours is the one quilted with the red thread ;-)

goes to Janis!  Yippee!! She was the email entry, and I wrote her down as #53 as that was where we were up to when I got her email.  She is doing a bike and barge trip from Amsterdam to Brugge--this would have been handy for the cosmetics on the trip.  You know a gal's always gotta look her best when biking around Europe... um, dedication to get in touch with me, too!

Thanks so much for entering and thanks for following me and for reading my blog!  And, yes, you may think this was rigged, but one thing I am is totally honest, and it was not rigged. Those were the first two in that order I did with the random number generator, and I am just tickled that A. they are both friends, Anja from QBL and Janis, another quilter, but a former colleague and a good friend, and B. they are both Canadian!  Woot! Woot!


  1. Yeah for me. I almost didn't read this post because I didn't think I won. How exciting!!! Thanks!!!

  2. Rigged?? Naw...never even crossed MY mind. Congrats to your lucky winners.
    xx, Carol

  3. Ah can't believe I missed your post for entering , but two worthy winners !

  4. Congrats to both the winners!! Thanks for the chance for the give away :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Oops try that again.
    Congratulations Anja and Janis!!! Yay!!!

    Come on, rigged??!! HA! If it had been rigged, you'd have chosen your most favourite loyal commenter on your blog who happens to be your sister LOL so I guarantee it's not rigged. Haha.

    Plus I can vouch for your honesty - all of us siblings were brought up with exemplary morals, one of which is honesty. Honest, it's true!

  7. Congratulations to my fellow Canadian winners.

  8. Congratulations to Anja and Janis!
    Linda's comment cracked me up Sandra.


I wholeheartedly appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment, as they make my day! I answer every one by personal email. :-) Unless... you are a "no-reply" blogger, which can occur for a few reasons. You can get around that by writing out your email within your comment so that I can answer you.