Monday, September 19, 2022

Mason Jar Cover Tutorial - A Gift for You For My Blog's 9th Anniversary

Happy anniversary to mmmquilts!

I cannot believe: A. That my first post on this blog was nine years ago, September 18, 2013, at the beginning of my second year of retirement, and B. that I've been retired from the teaching profession for ten years! (C. and that I'm now 62 - egad, feel more like 42.) Thank you for finding me, and reading my posts, for coming back, again and again, for following me however you follow me, for participating in blog activities, and for taking time to write such kind and wonderful comments over the years. I've met so many good people, many of whom I consider good friends, several of whom I've met up with in person, many with whom I've shared email letters, FaceTimed, texted, all wonderful ways to connect with other humans. 

Sidenote, in true SandraJaneQuilts, aka mmmquilts, fashion, I want to let you know that we have Nasir Ahmed to thank for the technology that has allowed us to FaceTime, Zoom and other video-calling apps, as well as given us high-def TV. Yes, I learned about his work on an episode I recently watched in Season 5 of This Is Us. 😊 I have been making sure to tell people his name whenever I get the chance.

So I have two gifts for you, dear readers, today. The first is a tutorial for the Mason jar holder that could even be a pencil/tools/makeup pencils and mascara, etc. holder. The second is for my readers, a discount code for 25% off patterns in my Etsy shop, SandraJaneQuilts. Thank you for your ongoing support of my blog activities and of my Etsy shop! I won't be advertising this on Instagram, just here on the blog, for you! Aaaand, I may have another small surprise up my sleeve later this week just for my followers.

Without further ado, here is an easy little project that can use up a few more of those pesky pervasive strips! It came about because of a request from my daughter, Dayna, who uses a Mason jar for her morning smoothie. It sweats, and even with a coaster underneath, the sides are still wet, so she asked if I could make some sort of coffee cozy-type affair with a built-in coaster. No problem! 
Here it is in use at Dayna's.

Note that when I made this first one, I made the fabric rectangle and then quilted it onto the batting. However, you could easily sew the strips together right onto the batting, quilting and joining as you go! This is how I made the second one.

If you would like to print this out, I've made a Google doc of this tutorial. Just click here.

All seam allowances are 1/4". RST - right sides together

Fabric requirements
Strips that vary in width from  from 1.25" to 2.25" and 7" in length
A piece of batting approximately 13.25" by 7" (this is about an inch overage)
A piece of fabric for the lining approximately 13.5" by 7"
A 4" x 4" square of coordinating fabric (or more strips) for the bottom
A 4" x 4" piece of batting for the bottom

1. The Mason jar for which I first made this is a one-pint aka 20 oz, aka ~600 mL jar. If yours is different, measure the circumference of your Mason jar, and add 1" for seam allowances and trimming allowance, and another -.75" - 1" for ease, as well as for shrinkage if your fabrics, like mine, are not pre-washed.

2. Place the first strip near the centre of the batting rectangle, with a second strip RST on top and sew 1/4" seam. This seam joins the two strips together and quilts through the batting at the same time!

3. Open the seam, press, and continue on adding strips to both sides of the original strip until you have covered the batting rectangle.

4. Square the quilted piece to your circumference plus 0.5". Mine was 12.75" x 6.25". Sew the short ends together to make a tube. Cut your lining piece to this same measurement.

5. To make the bottom of the holder, sew strips across the 4" square of batting as you just did to make the sides, or quilt the fabric scrap to the batting. I did strips in both holders I made:
This is what it will end up looking like with strips on the bottom.

Cut the square into an approximate 4" diameter circle. Cut the lining circle the same size. Fold the circle in half and finger press along the fold by the raw edges. Match the two folds together and finger press again, effectively dividing the bottom into four equal segments. Similarly, divide the tube lower edge. With RST, pin the bottom circle to the tube, pinning at those four marks. Sew this seam, just as you would a curve, very slowly, manipulating the tube every few stitches to align the raw edges. I like to have the tube on the bottom, with the bottom circle underneath my presser foot. Turn the holder right side out when finished.

Bottom pinned in place to the tube, RST. These are great for Franken-batting small leftovers!

6. Sew the lining side seam, BUT be sure to leave a ~3.5"-4" opening for turning the mug holder right side out! Insert the bottom circle in the same way you did for the outer shell.

7. Place the quilted outer shell into the lining with RST. Sew around the top edge.
You can see the quilted outer shell inside the lining.

8. Turn the mug holder right side out, pulling the outer shell through the opening in the lining. Gently press the seams towards the lining.

9. Stitch the opening closed by hand or by machine.

10. Push the lining into the outer shell, and press the top edge nice and crisp. Topstitch around the top edge.

You're done! Enjoy this mug with built-in coaster holder, or little bucket.
Mason jar cover #1

This first one I made was super-tight on Dayna's Mason jar, which is 800mL, so I made her a larger one:
A bit loose and a bit tall for my Mason jar, so it should be perfect for Dayna's.

And finally, thank you for reading this far, or scrolling down! The code for the pattern discount (there are 17 from which to choose) is:

Linking up


  1. Happy blog-iversary! Hope you have many more.

  2. Happy Blogversary! Dayna's cosy is a fantastic idea!

  3. Congratulations on 9 years of interesting, informative and inspirational posts! The mason jar cosy looks like a fabulous way to conquer a sweaty jar!

  4. Happy, happy Blogaversary, Sandra!! Great tutorial!

    1. For some reason, it wouldn't let me log in so it showed up anonymous!!

  5. Congratulations on your blog anniversary, Sandra! I also started my blog in 2013, in January, so almost 10 years now. So glad I found you - one of the first bloggers I followed! Thanks for the fun little cozie tutorial, too!

  6. Happy anniversary! I'm so glad you decided to blog and are continuing to do so. I am thankful for our virtual conversations over the year. And may you continue to feel young (having just turned 43, I also feel 42, bwahahaha). :)

  7. Happy blog anniversary, Sandra. I'm so glad I found you and I've enjoyed all your blog posts. The quilting is always wonderful. The books, the photos, the lively discussions on current events, the news on family and the inspiration. All are so wonderful and I look forward to each. Thank you for this nice little pattern. Thanks to Dayna for the inspiration.

  8. Happy blogiversary Sandra & I'm so glad to have found yours. Great tutorial & a wonderful idea for all those pesky scraps that keep accumulating. Just realised my 10th will be up in January next year. Can't believe that!!! Feeling like 42......well wish that was me, though my headspace wants to think that, but the body has many moments of definitely feeling 30 years older (giggle). Thanks for sharing & being you, take care & hugs.

  9. Happy blogiversary! This is a brilliant idea and your tutorial is very clear. I’m bookmarking it for later. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Congratulations Sandra. It's a milestone for sure. Thank you for the cute mason jar cozy - it will make a sweet little gift for girlfriends.

  11. Hi Miss-Nine-Years-Blogging! Can you believe it?! How sweet of you to have a fabulous tutorial. Retired for ten years - isn't that fab, too?! And SEVENTEEN patterns! Yowza. That is amazing. The Mason Jar Cover - I am going to make one. Our district is collecting those small bread tabs (plastic) and I'm keeping mine in a Mason jar. I might as well make a pretty cover for the jar, right?! Thank you for nine great years, although I didn't find you until about five years ago. {{Hugs}} I can't wait to see where the next nine years take you, you young thing! ~smile~ Roseanne

  12. Congratulations on 10 years of blogging! You always make such cool things for your family.

  13. Congratulations on 10 wonderful years! I am still puzzled by my age and sure that I am wrong when I tell someone what the heck it is. I do love this cozy idea - perfect to stop the sweat!

  14. Happy Blogaversary. Thanks for the tutorial and I look forward to reading many more blog entries.

  15. Happy Ninth blogaversary - not sure how long ago I found you but I have definitely enjoyed every post. Made something similar, although not as pretty, to go on the outside of jam/jelly jars that I use as vases.

  16. Happy blogging anniversary! I know what a big deal this is, as I will celebrate 15 years of blogging in January. Good grief! And I completely relate to how your physical age doesn't match your mental age. Me too, as I'm looking at 70 next year. How does that happen?! Your Mason jar tutorial is a very thoughtful gift, and should I ever need it, I'll keep it in mind. I agree that blogging has been THE best for getting to know people - much better than Instagram. When you're exchanging private email messages, it's much easier to share more personal things than what one feels comfortable broadcasting on a blog post. My best to you for many more years of happy blogging. Those of us who continue to blog are few and far between.

  17. I love to see you pop up in my blog feed with a new post. It's been a pleasure to "know" you for these 9 years of your blog.

  18. I love this tutorial and so glad you linked up!
