Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Rainbow Bricks

This was my first Rainbow Scrap Challenge project this year, in my ongoing attempt to empty my strips bins (not a lot of success so far, sad to report).

I made two 10" blocks in each of eight rainbow colours for a four by four block set, giving me a 40" square quilt. This was such a great simple, mindless project to do each month that I will continue making these blocks for another quilt!

A simple open meander got this quilted up in no time. I used Essential cotton in cream which blended well over the quilt.

Bella gave it her four paws stamp of approval pose.

 I used up some fat quarters and chunks of fat quarter to make the backing. 

For the binding, I went to my scrap binding bag of course. I had two strips of a floral stripe Northcott one, a decent length of maroon left over from Luminous Layers, and then joined several other chunks that were in the bag. I'd hoped to get the length of green by the green block, but I also had to avoid getting any of those multiple seams at the corners, but with a little time to lay it out over the quilt, I got it on the green block!

I was still about 4" short in length, so knowing I'd be joining the ends near the blue block I pulled out a chunk of blue binding and joined it to one end of the already-made binding. What a surprise to find out that not only did that blue make it on th blue block, but the purple hunk of binding made it onto the purple block!

This is either going to one of the places I like to give comfort quilts, or to raise funds for Crohn's disease. I got an email a couple of weeks ago from Shie, the Gutsy Walk leader for Windsor, who said she'd seen several of my "beautiful quilts" lately (my email signature has links to my blog, Etsy shop, and Instagram in my signature) and she wondered if I'd be willing to donate one as part of an online auction they are doing to raise funds. So I'll give her a choice of these two, and see what happens!
RSC project 2

Quilt Stats:
Size: 40" square
Fabric: scraps
Batting: Fairfield 100% polyester
Backing: fat quarters from stash
Quilted: on Avril: 23 252 stitches 
Threads: pieced on my Bernina and Featherweight with various threads; quilted with Essential cotton thread 20867

Linking up:


  1. Oh I know the ever growing scrap/string pile seem never ending!! I have blues and greens pulled out to work on this winter.

  2. I think you just have to have the attitude the every little bit helps when trying to manage the scrap bins. Very colorful finish. Hope it finds a very good home.

  3. At the speed you sew, I don't think you'll ever be without scraps. But I love seeing my favorites pop up in scrap quilts that I make. I know this will find a good home.

  4. A great use of your scraps Sandra - what beauties! (PS Well done with the binding success!)

  5. I don't think we'll ever totally empty our scrap bins, Sandra, but it sure is enjoyable trying! I love how your Rainbow Bricks quilt turned out. Looks like an easy and fun block - I might have to add something like this to my tool box!

  6. Wow, you've really been pumping them out right and left. I love the Kitty Love pillow, too. Such an appropriate gift for Bella's cat-sitter.

  7. I love how the different prints make this quilt sparkle. I think my strings get together and multiply when I'm not looking...

  8. Love both of these scrappy projects. It takes perseverance to sew with every little bit. Bricks is a great one.

  9. You have 2 awesome scrappy quilts made! I've given up hope of actually using up my scraps in this lifetime. And Bella is just as cute as can be!!

  10. Great job on your RSC quilt. That is so fun. I am sending some scraps off to a friend. I never can get anywhere with them, and here I am answering blogs and not sewing...gheez. Nice that the Gutsy Walk leader contacted you...she is lucky to have one of your quilts. And, no surprise you had serendipity in your binding pieces!

  11. Well done. Love how you've been using your scraps. Given me plenty of ideas when I have the time. Hope the recipients appreciate all you hard work. Take care & hugs from Oz.
