Sunday, September 24, 2017

Bloggers' Quilt Festival Radiance

I checked the time left: 1 h 33m to add a link...

After I got home from teaching yoga, I decided to 'just sew a little first' ...
Famous last words.
Anyhow here is Radiance, a quilt I made for nephew #2, Aidan. It's on its way out to Alberta as I type.

This is Quilting Jet Girl Yvonne's Triangle Transparency pattern, done in oranges, Aidan's favourite colour.
You can read about the flimsy here.

At 60" square, I decided it wouldn't quite work for a tall young man to keep both his chest and his tootsies toasty warm on cold Alberta evenings while watching TV, or, if he chose to use it on his bed, I wanted it the length of the bed.  So I added the migrating geese to opposite ends and we now have a 60X72" quilt.
I had fun with the quilting.  His big brother's quilt had a little more involved piecing with simple meander quilting, so since this was simple piecing, I thought I'd punch it up with some custom quilting.  Here you see the wavy lines behind those, "Are they streaming south, or are they streaming north?" migrating geese. Answer: one way at the top of the quilt, the other direction at the bottom, so there!

I contrasted all the angles with swirls in the outer border of the four centre blocks, and did alternating line-style quilting motifs with curvy-style motifs in each of the other three 'rounds' of the block.

In the centre I did some radiating lines...radiating, radiance, Aidan, wow see the unplanned anagrams-type playing with names?
It ended up making a pretty cool almost circular pattern in the very centre of the quilt.

The back is rather manly:
I know it will be used and loved in the new home Aidan has recently built.

If you'd like to see more photos and read more about this quilt, click here for the finish post.

AND...if you'd like to see more beautiful, incredible quilts, you may want to grab a cup of coffee or tea, maybe a glass of wine, or maybe something cool on which to sip if you're on the eastern side of North America, 😎 and head over to Amy's Creative Side.

Now let's see if I can proof this, publish it, link it and write the other one up this quickly for a second entry!


  1. I love getting to see this finish every time. It just glows!!! :)

  2. I love the addition of the geese and the back is certainly manly. :-)

  3. Such a pretty warm quilt. The quilting is amazing. Love this!

  4. Congrats! on making the entry deadline. LOVE your use of ORANGE and those migrating geese in the borders!!

  5. I liked this quilt the first time I saw it and I still do. Nice, bright, and cheery!

  6. It shines and sparkles. Radiance is a great design but the choice of your fabrics makes it even more so. The quilting is so beautiful - this not only belongs in the festival. It is the star of the show.

  7. Beautiful quilt Sandra and what a great idea to add the border to the top and bottom! My grandson is tall also.

  8. Stunning quilt! I have seen your posts on your growing Featherweight family and am curious if you use the machines mainly for piecing or use the domestic machines for quilting these lovely tops?

    1. Hi Patty, you're a no-reply so I am answering you here. Growing family lol! I use them, as in the two Featherweights, for piecing. I just got a quarter-inch seam guide from Nova, but I'm not totally in love yet. Once I get Dorothy, my 15-91 up to snuff, I might try her for FMQ. Right now I love my Bernina Artista 180 when I quilt on a domestic. The 15-91 will sew leather beautifully too I've heard.

  9. Orange is so hard to use effectively, but you nailed it in that quilt. It really does glow.

  10. Great pattern and your choice of colors is awesome. I love the quilting too. Thanks for sharing.


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