So the guild that I just joined in September has started a "Self Round Robin". We pick an orphan block (like I have 20 of those--should put 'em all together into A quilt). Each month the executive gives us a directive for that round. For the first month, October's meeting, we had to put a stripe on our block. That was it. Because we've only been in this house just over a year, I still don't know where all my sewing stuff is organized. It is all organized, but I just don't always know where I've organized it! Anyhow, upon opening one of my three Ikea dresser drawers where I thought I might have stashed that pile of various blocks from retreats to guild projects to rejected blocks to blocks I made one of after seeing an episode of "Simply Quilts"... The first place I looked yielded this beautiful appliqué block I made in a hand appliqué class I took...about 14, maybe 15 years ago!! The stitching is beautiful, so tiny! I think I'd need a magnifying glass to be able to reproduce that minute of a stitch today. I decided rather than spend ages sifting through the blocks pile, which I did find, I'd stick with this first one.
I thought about simply sewing a striped fabric around it, and I auditioned a couple and let them stew on the design wall. In the end, I spent another chunk of time hunting down the original fabrics I'd used in the appliqué (oh yes, I still had them!) as I'd also had another idea pop into my head: to make my own striped border using those fabrics. I added one other green that I think looks really good, as I couldn't find the leaf fabric in my stash. Here is the first round:
I was sick with a bad flu bug all Tuesday, so I didn't even make it to my guild meeting to show it off! And I don't know what the directive is yet for November... Yes, and I didn't even get to hand in my placemats for Meals On Wheels, although I know there is still time as the final due date is November.
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