Saturday, June 10, 2017

Green Geese

I am behind in just about everything in my life these days, including an unplanned hiatus from Ashtanga yoga, but I keep plodding along. Here is the green row, May's colour, for my Migrating Geese, project #2, in the RSC 2017 at soscrappy.
Man! That would've been such a good lead-off photo for a May RSC post!

Little has been done on any of my RSC projects, of which there are three, but for a few green blocks on the "X Marks the Block" project, which is #3.  This particular project my friend Nancy in Florida spied on Pinterest, as a fun quilt to do together as a long-distance quilt-along.  I did put a yellow corner on one of the green blocks:
I remarked that I may have got myself into a bit of a Rubic's Cube dilemma with opposing corners in various colours. Might be time to sit down with the sketch book and do a little planning? Ya think?

I pulled out a bunch of my yellow larger scraps to begin cutting for the yellow migrating geese row.
Two RSC projects being cut for, the geese and a few yellow strings
I have realized, in this past 2 months of crazy, that having stuff prepped ahead of time means I will accomplish more by basically doing these projects as leader/ender projects.  This is something I knew and possibly verbalized silently (ha oxymoron there) to myself, but it is so true.  Now, finding the time to actually plan and cut ahead, is key.  However, now that things up here are actually starting to have some semblance of order and organization, that is becoming more of a reality.

Here is my temporary design wall! 😆 A tablecloth from the dollar store (which works wonderfully btw) suspended from the highest point of the ceiling (7') by two nails and a pin.  Can be weighted down with a dowel and rolled up and clipped to those nails! A MacGyver invention, of course.
Green row in progress
Ioleen from Instagram suggested I use velcro strips, one on the ceiling, the other on the tablecloth to attach it. Great idea! Here you get a peek at the longarm, the Singer 15-91 desk that is doubling as my computer desk, and one of the kitchen cabinets now being used as fabric storage. I moved the shoe rack under one of the eaves sections. You can just see it to the right of the tablecloth.

I did buy two sheets of 2X8' half inch styrofoam but they are too tall for the ceiling up here! For now one is on its side under the back of the longarm, and the other is in our bedroom. I plan to get another two so I have an 8x8' design wall as I used to have, covered with my beloved gridded flannel.  It's going to have to be folded/hinged somehow and I know there are tutorials to do this online, plus I have my beloved husband to mastermind something that I often tweak a bit to serve my needs. We're a pretty good team.😉 I'm okay with a design wall in our bedroom; I can contemplate stuff while ... okay never mind, where my thoughts went is not what I'd originally intended to write! LOL Yesterday while iMessaging a dear friend in Alberta and telling her a bit about the kitchen reno, in which convo I said, "I have a great contractor; I sleep with him too!" and she responded, "Sassy Sandra!" well, there you go, guess I am. Grin. (I can hear both my daughters going, "Disgusting.") Ha! I was originally envisioning having a design wall in my bedroom and waking up with the sun, being unable to resist playing around with fabric, much to MacGyver's annoyance since he is so not a morning person.
Back to the migrating geese! Here they are suspended from the crabapple tree, against what will reveal itself to be either wisteria or trumpet vine once that all flowers.  Apparently both are there, climbing on, and most effectively disguising, the chain link fence. Love the way this quilt is progressing, and can't wait to get that yellow row up next.

Linking up
Quilting is More Fun Than Housework


  1. I am guessing your room is now upstairs. Love the innovative idea for your design wall, I have seen the tablecloths hung over a door as well. The geese are fantastic. My freefall is a flimsy!!! Too wet to have it outside for any photos yesterday, but a frost this morning so might be lucky.

  2. Beautiful Geese rows...your quilt will be gorgeous...hugs, Julierose

  3. Love those geese! I used to use the back of a dollar store tablecloth for a design wall. You are right - it works great. In case you haven't seen this you might want to check out this idea for dual design walls.

  4. Love, love, LOVE these Migrating Geese rows! Some other RSC year, this will HAVE to be one of my projects!!!!

  5. The Migrating Geese rows look wonderful together. I like how a home can unveil treats and surprises for you if you pay attention. Regardless of what the vine ends up being, I hope the flowers are glorious!

  6. Those migrating geese are a very tempting project ... not quite DREAMI but definitely going on my "must-make" list. I mounted projecting curtain rod holders at the top corners of my design wall and hung a sleeved quilt on a thick dowel. It stays bunched up to one side while I use the wall and pulls across to hide it when I need the room to look pretty.

    1. This is a terrific idea Anne! I just might do that. There is a blank wall in the spare room that I am really really wanting to have as my design wall, and yet having a quilt strategically placed over it when not in use might just be the ticket! Thank you. Hope you see this as you are a no-reply blogger. :-)

  7. Love your rainbow of geese that is forming. Good luck with your Rubix Cube dilemma.

  8. Sandra, those migrating geese are so neat! I love the rainbow of them that you have developing! Great idea for your design wall - I have a bit of a makeshift one myself, and it has really been helpful. Meanwhile, I bet MacGyver is working on more ideas for your new studio!

  9. You may be running behind on the rsc but what you have so far is really nice! I love the migrating geese! It's going to be a beautiful quilt.
    And i chuckled when u mentioned having the design wall in the bedroom so that u can contemplate quilt designs during.....whatever....(tmi warning daughters) ...i may be guilty of that🤔😂

  10. The migrating geese are going to grow into a beautiful quilt. A design wall in the bedroom why didn't I ever think of that.

  11. Your migrating geese are a great RSC project! I love how they are looking. Your sewing space looks like it is evolving into what you need.

  12. I love all the geese rows together, makes me want to have a DrEAMI moment!! But I don't have the time this week.

  13. Just catching up here Sandra. I love the migrating geese and the design wall.

  14. Just catching up here Sandra. I love the migrating geese and the design wall.

  15. I have found a flaw in the "use it as a leader-ender project" method: once I get started on a project, I often get fixated on it and can't stop. So then it becomes a "leader and sew until the end-er" project. Also knows as SQUIRREL! Sigh.

    I wondered about the Rubik's cube issue with your beautiful X Marks the Block project. If you have to carefully plan out a scrappy project, is that like matter and antimatter colliding?

  16. Just love your geese and the backdrop for the photo. Those geese are migrating well.

  17. The geese are very very pretty!

  18. A clever and inexpensive design wall! I love the strips hanging from the tree and can almost feel,the breeze blowing them gently, so peaceful and perfect for spring.

  19. Awesome idea. I believe that implementing these DIY ideas in outdoor, we will be able to have an attraction to visitors. PhD dissertation writing services

  20. Your geese are looking great. Those rows of rainbow colors will be pretty! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  21. Lovely geese. Are you hanging them to dry :-) I am nervous that they may stretch and give you heartache when you start piecing the long rows. Sleep away...Sassy Sandra. I do it all the time :-p

  22. Such pretty colourful geese. Well done.

  23. Beautiful geese... wonderful wall seeing how the house and garden are progressing as you make them your own😀 hugs from across the water...xx

  24. A delightful post! Good for a chuckle while I sip my morning coffee. I love your migrating flying geese RSC project. Very clever!

  25. My daughter would say disgusting too , but it's good to have something to keep your mind occupied 😇. Your geese are flying along very nicely I must say

  26. love your variety of geese! looking good so far!

    1. Thank you QuiltGranma! I am pretty happy with the way the quilt is shaping up. :-)

  27. Love your geese row/Quilt. Is this your own design? Id love to make it too


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