Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Mid Year Review

Okay here we go! Got the music blasting; Bobby Bazini and The Jerry Cans are being featured on CBC Radio 2's "q the Music" with Tom Power. Mmmmm.

My over-arching goals are Lifelong Learning and Balance. Doing well on the first one (despite a near-meltdown this afternoon on EQ8) and struggling a bit on the second.

My Main Quilting Goals

1. Continue DrEAMi! Check!
2. Run another QAL or two: I did two, Postcards from Sweden with my friend Helen of Midget Gem Quilts, and Plus Playtime, which just ended.
3. Continue to offer free patterns and tutorials: I linked up a Postcards tips post with Yvonne and Cheryl's linky; I gave another kitty mat tutorial in January (see link under Tips and Tutorials); my Plus Playtime QAL was a free pattern in the Benartex ezine, Modern By The Yard; I hosted the second #30quiltdesignschallenge which ran over 70 days on Instagram.
4. Charity: I've made one lap quilt with the second one well underway for H2H, a doll quilt for A Doll Like Me, and four kitty mats so far for charity; made six blocks for the Humboldt Broncos quilts.
5. MbtY submissions: Plus Playtime was in the January edition with another project coming out in the upcoming issue!
6. Continue to participate in blog hops with Benartex: I did Wonderlust at the end of January.

1. I was a co-host for the New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop, quite the learning experience and some lovely new friendships made.
I also am now the host for Throwback Thursday!
2. No QAL with Tish plans as of yet.
3. Added a couple items to my shop; have two more quilts to upload, and I plan to list a beach glass dish or two.
4. No new patterns added to Craftsy but it's imminent!
5. Run the Spring/Q2 QAL: Check! That was Plus Playtime! Great success; check out all the beautiful quilts here. I know for a fact that two are hanging in the quilter's home! Wow, that's the best reward.😁
6. Submit designs to other magazines, done and done! One comes out next month, cannot WAIT!

Quilt Learning
1. Learn EQ7. Well I bought EQ8 and yes I am learning it (ask me about the past 6 hours today...on second thought maybe don't)
2. Branding: just have to send that email; talked briefly to the person about it
3. Pantograph: nope
4. Solids: yep! I can tell you pretty soon... Oh wait! I did another! Postcards from Sweden! Look at me.
Not on the list, but I am participating or have participated in several QALs, always a learning and enriching experience!

Personal Goals
I'm on track for them all, except for not enough knitting. I religiously read each night before turning out the light, even if it's only ten minutes. I'm happy to report that I've read 13 books, so 25 for the year should be easily doable. I just, as of a week ago, finished re-reading the massive and wonderful Voyageur by Diana Gabaldon, and finished watching Season 3. I like to re-read as I watch, so I can EITHER be wowed - Season 1 - by how true they were to the book, except for the scene right before Jamie sends Claire back through the stones-MAN! that ticked me off big time, and it did the author herself, as I read her comments on it on her blog, OR be ticked if they veer way off, cue Season 3, some things were like um WHY???)

I can see that I need to devote a little more time to pattern-writing, as well as to branding, so that my patterns will look professional.

Also not on the list is expanding my creativity, which I did first of all through hosting the quilt designs challenge but along with that is sewing a project for the challenge each month set out by Island Batik. It has pushed me to design my own original quilts, to bounce off someone else's design, and to try new techniques. Here is a collage of the Island Batik projects I've made so far this year:

Linking up
Sew Fresh Quilts


  1. You are really doing amazingly well toward your goals, Sandra, and have been doing a lot this year even with all the personal challenges you have had. I hope that you are able to work on the last few goals with ease in the second half of the year and that the elusive search for balance comes a bit more easily.

  2. Lots of focused goals. Good for you. I appreciate your fabulous photos. The thing I like most about this post is discovering that you are a CBC radio 2 fan. I was listening to Q, the music last night as well.

  3. working towards goals like that is wonderful! i've been following your blog for more that a year and i really appreciate your sticking to it and growing and sharing. by the way, that quilt with the 4 diamonds just makes my heart sing! is there a pattern? [hint hint!!!]. as for that search for balance, .........maybe one of the keys is to be flexible enough to accept ourselves even when we're "unbalanced!" enjoy

    1. Hi shoshu you are a no-reply soni will answer you here and hope that you may check back...Wise words about acceptance! Too many interests have I, and not enough hours! Thank you for your kind words on my work. The diamond quilt is my adaptation of a quilt in Christina Cameli’s latest book on wedges. It’s a full-size quilt in blues in her book.

  4. You are doing great. I love the collage of your Island batik projects.

  5. I envy you being able to write goals and follow through on them. Okay you knew I would just have to ask about the 6 hours and EQ8.

  6. I agree with the others that you are doing well with meeting your goals! Please tell me that now that I have EQ8 loaded on my computer, learning it will be a snap! Haha! The 6 hours - not gonna ask!

  7. WOW. You have been busy. I got tired just reading this email,😂😂😂😂. Well done with all you have done.

  8. Hi, Sandra! One word about your goal list and fulfillment of them at this time...IMPRESSIVE!!!
    Oh, I also bought EQ8. I've played around a bit but not nearly enough to do anything yet. I think I need to take a class...somewhere.

  9. Maybe we should all take an EQ8 class together. Make a big party out of it!!! WTG on your goals!

  10. Writing this down is impressive alone, and you will get them all done.The Island Batik ones are stunning.

  11. I think you're nailing your goals. Well done!! Can't wait to see what you share next.

  12. You were and are quite busy and it's no wonder you need a break. I always look forward to seeing what you do but sometimes forget all the work that has to go on behind the scenes to make it happen. Thank you.

  13. You've done really well on your goals so far. EQ8 takes a bit to learn to navigate, I still go looking for functions in the wrong places sometimes. Good luck on your goals for the rest of 2018.

  14. What a smorgasbord of art and beauty!!! I am torn between the moon and the diamond. It is the diamond, I think, that is my favorite. If you keep an open mind (which you do), life long learning is easy. The balance can be trickier - it is like a constant adjustment - little this way, not too much, coming back to center but overshooting just a tad - like a pendulum.
    I am horrible at the Tree Pose. Must work on my balance :-p

  15. You had ambitious goals (or perhaps I am not ambitious enough?) but it seems like you're very much on track!

  16. What a lot of wonderful and clever things you ave already achieved this year Sandra. I love reading your blog and wish you every success on your list and more for the rest of the year. :)

  17. You are inspiring me to make a list of goals! Once in a while I tell myself the next step in my quilting journey should be to try to produce an original design. That thought has re-surfaced as I am waiting for a delivery of luscious Dupioni silk. I have wanted to attempt applique with silk for many years, but haven't. An idea has been swirling in my brain all week that now would be a great time to attempt to be a "designer". I miss being an avid reader....sometimes I wonder what happened, but I think I know. I should get back to Outlander....I think I fell off reading them around the fifth book or so...even though, before that I had read the first three or four many times!

  18. Doing well with these goals and aims. Keeping a balance is the hardest. You do that well too I think. x
