Monday, July 14, 2014

Make-up Bags!

Over the past few days I have made a few little bags. They were a lot of fun.

I did already show you the one made with the patchwork squares

I am steadily using up ALL of the Seaside Rose and Simplicity fabrics!  I am amazed at how far the scraps are going!  The purple bags are from purple scraps of various fabrics.

These two are going to Jude's sweet granddaughters

Can you see the "R" and the "S", their first name initial, that I quilted onto the bags?

Inside view

This pattern can be found here.  I really really love Moda Bakeshop!  I might have mentioned that once or twice before...

Another one in rich!
The pattern calls for fusible fleece but I used up scraps of my Warm 'n Natural and had fun doing simple quilting for the outside.  I'm putting a couple of these into our guild's boutique at the show in September.
Yet another using Seaside Rose scraps with Simplicity scraps for the lining
We spent a wonderful afternoon yesterday driving east along the shores of Lake Erie.  We went all the way to Erieau and Rondeau Bay.  Aside from the vegetation and the brown, as opposed to white, sand, it looked and felt much like Florida, hot and humid.

Huge beach!

Swimmers enjoying the waves

Fantastic wave action
Of course I had to walk down to that breakwall you see in the distance, with the "lighthouse", actually one of the channel markers that guide boaters from Rondeau Bay into Lake Erie.

We were about 60 miles east of Kingsville, which is also on Lake Erie.  It takes about 4 hours to drive the length of this smallest of the Great Lakes!

Yay!  It is cherry season here (and sweet corn!), so we had to stop at an orchard and buy some picked-that-day cherries.

To die for!
Checked out another lakeside winery, Smith and Wilson Estate Wines.  Yep, had to come home with a bottle of Pinot Grigio, as well as one of their Rondeau Red, a glass of which I'd earlier enjoyed at Bayside BrewPub -- mmm!  It's been a good few days!


  1. Jeez it did it again - didn't take my comment!
    ANYWAY I said those makeup bags are so beautiful and you've chosen some great places to take pictures of them! I did Google map your trip and you've captured some gorgeous shots! I too wouldn't have missed walking the breakwall either! And those cherries look DELECTABLE!!!!!

  2. Love these bags, Sandra! So cute! Looks like you had a wonderful day by the lake :) and those cherries. . . WANT some!! :D

  3. Love your zipper bags! I have made that pattern several time and it is so easy and makes a great gift!

  4. Your bags are so pretty! Way to go!!!


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