Tuesday, May 28, 2019

30 Quilt Designs Challenge Winners

The 30 Quilt Designs Challenge 2019 has ended. It began on March 15 and ran for 70 days, ending on May 25. There were just nine of us this year, about half the number from last year. This was due to the platform switching to a private FaceBook group, as well as to lots of last year's participants being just too darn busy, both in real life and in their quilting life!

My wonderful main sponsor who came to me out of the blue, and who I now consider a friend (I've said it before but it's amazing how many people I have met through my blog), is Brenda, of Quilt Designs in the Yard.

You must check out her site here. She does amazing work. Think Barn Quilts, but scaled down so you can have them in your yard, maybe on a shed, to dress it up, in a spot in the garden maybe where things don't grow so well, or maybe at your front door!
Of the nine designers, three of us finished 30 quilt designs by the deadline. That is amazing. I would hazard a guess that our little group created in the neighbourhood of 150+ quilts over the course of the 70 days.


This challenge has never failed to spawn further accolades. Many of the designers have had a design published that was submitted in the challenge. Many have made one or more of their designs, either within the 70 days of the challenge, in itself quite the accomplishment, or shortly after. This year again, this has been the case.

But first of all the winners!

The grand prize winner of the back yard quilt is Cindy of Stitchin' at Home! Cindy was the first one done, and her designs are exquisite. She is currently sewing up one of the 30 she designed for a magazine! Cindy gets to choose which one of her blocks she will submit to Brenda to be turned into a sturdy aluminum back yard quilt something like the one below:

Kathleen of Kathleen McMusing has won the $25 gift certificate from Cali Quilt Co.
Kathleen has made two of her designs this year:
Pretty in Pink

Night Flight

I was the third person to complete all 30, but being the host, I have declined the other $25 gift certificate, which is from Clinton Modern Creative.

Unbeknownst to him, MacGyver picked the winner, so the gift certificate goes to Leanne of Devoted Quilter.

I've made three of my designs so far:
Cheerio design #1
Pasque Star design #5
Luminous Layers design #17 (needs quilting - check back Friday!)
I am pretty sure there are some other designs that have 'grown up' from paper or pixels to fabric, but at the time of writing this post, I don't have information, so when I do get it I will update!

Anja of Anja Quilts has made one of her designs. She was late to jump in to the challenge, but we were glad to have her, and here is the one she made:
No name as of yet...

Thank you so very much to Anja, Genevieve, Sarah, Wendy, Kathleen, Cindy and Leanne for joining me in this year's challenge. We have decided to keep our little group going, as an incentive to keep creating, as a safe place to share, and a safe place to get advice/thoughts on our work.

Thank you so very much to Brenda of Quilt Designs in the Yard, to Tayva of Cali-Quilt Co, and to Darla of Clinton Modern Creative for generously sponsoring a prize in this year's challenge. I am so grateful to you three small-business owners women for your support. I do hope my readers will consider spending some of their hard-earned money at one of these three great places, when next they are about to purchase fabric or a quilt-related gift. It's so important to support small businesses!


  1. Thanks for hosting. It was fun, even though I only managed five designs. Now to start thinking about designing on a regular basis.

  2. Thank you for hosting again this year!! It is a fun challenge! Thank you to your wonderful sponsors!!! Now to get cracking and make some of those designs into quilts.

  3. Next Year I will be semi retired so I am looking forward to rejoining the group. Some one will have to remind me of how to post a photo to facebook though. I like the private group aspect as well.

  4. I'm glad we're keeping the group open. I know at least one of my designs has to be made. Whether it will be this year or not, who knows? Congrats to the winnters -- they are getting some fantastic prizes! Thanks for hosting the challenge, Sandra!

  5. Lovely entries. I am particularly happy to learn of the backyard quilt company.

  6. Hi Sandra! Congrats to all the winner and participants. And a huge thank you to all of the sponsors! All of you amaze me as most times I don't feel like I have a creative bone in my body - or not enough to come up with an original design. I enjoy all of the original quilts you shared today and will certainly visit all of your sponsors. ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. Congrats to all the designers and all the winners!

  8. Thanks for hosting and being the number one cheerleader! It was so much fun, I am sorry that more didn't participate, but maybe next year! I am thrilled with my win, trying to decide but I think I will get some of the fabric I need for my BOM with Sherry (her pattern) that I am helping to host in September.

  9. well done to all of you. Lovely to have a tight little group of quilters too. I stand in admiration of you all


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